HELP! safety schools?

<p>i'm a white female hs junior from ct and am looking for safety schools.</p>

<p>SAT: 2180 CR750 M750 W680 (first try - will probably retake)
3.7 uw GPA
all honors except 10th: AP bio (5), 11th: AP chem, euro, and us
ecs: 4 years of field hockey, 2 years varsity, 2 years training program, captain senior year... 3 years of student council, VP in 11th, pres in 12th... dance... etc
definitely top 10%. maybe top 2% (class: about 600)</p>

<p>i'm looking for a school in california or on the east coast. i want a school in (or near) a city. size isn't that important to me, but ideal would be about 7000... at least some school spirit, a good (or at least decent) bio program...</p>

<p>any ideas? thanks for your help!</p>

<p>hmm try UCLA or UC-Berkeley</p>

<p>if you didn’t restrict yourself to the California or the East Coast, I’d also suggest the University Of Washington or University Of Texas at Austin. Those are also in the top schools for bio</p>

<p>ok, thanks. in retrospect, i should have included the south as well. thanks for the suggestions!</p>

<p>Unfortunately, UCLA and UCB are not safeties for you, since you are out of state.
UT-Austin is also hard to get into out of state.</p>

<p>yeah that’s what I was thinking, I’d say go for University of Washington, I think that they should take you</p>

<p>I don’t know how the UC system is going to be doing next year, when you’re applying, but with the economic downturn, they’ve been struggling financially quite a bit. They’re making budget cuts left and right (in the billions!) and are accepting 10K fewer applicants this year [article on this here: Attention</a> High School Seniors: Your college education is in jeopardy | Finances | Unigo](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/8stfhf]]Attention”>http://■■■■■■■.com/8stfhf). Plus, since it’s such a popular public school system, and since SO many people are going to be applying to more public universities, you might want to consider a less popular safety option (not necessarily instead of the UC’s, but maybe in addition to?). </p>

<p>I second the recommendation for University of Washington though. I think they would be a pretty good fit. [University</a> of Washington | Unigo](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/93zyf2]University”>http://■■■■■■■.com/93zyf2)</p>

<p>thanks, ill definitely check out washington. any LACs that would work as safties?</p>

<p>Are you a junior or senior?</p>

<p>You could look anywhere on the Tier 3 list.</p>

<p>Safeties abound on that list.</p>

<p>Nevermind . . . I see.</p>

<p>For LACs, Trinity, Skidmore and Connecticut College would be possibilities. Bates and maybe Colby would also work, but not near cities.</p>

<p>Scripps, Pitzer, Occidental, USD, LMU, Santa Clara, Mills, USF.</p>

Nevermind . . . I see.</p>

<p>For LACs, Trinity, Skidmore and Connecticut College would be possibilities. Bates and maybe Colby would also work, but not near cities.


<p>The two latter colleges would be matches for you, not safeties. Both of them regularly reject top 10% students and being from CT will not help your chances as that state is over represented.</p>

<p>Alabama would give you a full tuition scholarship with those numbers, could possibly get more $ from them too.</p>