<p>I want to self study my first APs:
-AP Psych (Barrons book)
-AP Stat (Barrons)
-Euro, maybe (AP Achiever or Modern World History)</p>
<p>I plan to take junior year these classes:
-Calc AB
-English Language
-US History</p>
-Calc BC
-English Lit
*Physics C
<p>*I might want to self study one of these so that I can fit Band in my schedule and keep a leadership position since you cannot become section leader if you don't take the class.</p>
<p>Is this a good AP course schedule? Are the review books sufficient? Will self-studying 3 APs interfere with my already hectic schedule of having to do track in the afternoon and band in the night? Is Physics a good self-study with one year of honors physics -or-
Is Spanish a better, easier self-study with four years of honors spanish -or-
Should I give up a leadership position for both classes?</p>
<p>I did physics C self study this year, I used Barron’s, it is the best prep book for Physics C. I took honors physics this year also, but we didn’t cover any E&M, and didn’t go as in depth as the AP test. E&M was pretty difficult to understand conceptually since we didn’t talk about it in class, and it is harder to visualize than mechanics, but after I understood it, it was easy. I’d say since you have already had a year of honors physics, physics C is a doable self-study. Foreign language would suck to self study, I was thinking about maybe self-studying German this year (I was in German 3) but I figured it would be too much work along with 6 other self-studies.</p>
<p>I would say, take the class in whatever interests you most. It also depends on your goals, what your projected major is.</p>
<p>This is for premed/bio major.</p>
<p>I’d say (I know this not on your list) self study chemistry if the course is not offered, and then you can do either physics or spanish class, I would say take the Physics class because then (i think) you should get lab hours too. And physics is more fun.</p>
<p>Your schedule is good, but I don’t think either Spanish or physics is easy to self study. I would self study biology, because its not as hard conceptually. It’s just long.</p>