HELP-Top 20 or Honors college

<p>I read somewhere that the avg SAT for Clemson's Honors is something like 1400 and for National Scholars is something like 1500.<br>
One of S's goals throughout High School was to pay for college himself even though we constantly told him it was not necessary for him to choose a school based on $'s.</p>

<p>The SATavg for Clemson honors keeps going up. The stats of the general student population keeps going up as well. The goal to be a top 20 public is no secret. We have had students from our Ds school who have gone to Clemson honors who would definitely not get in today. The 1375/3.8/3% auto admitt may well be gone too. That was the info given for the entering class of 2003. My D is the only one admitted to honors this year.</p>

<p>If your son is going for Engineering, the averages are much higher than the general student population. </p>

<p>The value of Clemson is going up. With all the perks of the National Scholar program, I couldn't imagine turning it down to pay $$$$ elsewhere. Good Luck to your son. Learn the term IPTAY!!! Clemson has a very supportive alumni organization.</p>

<p>BG123456, my S is also a National Scholar contestant and a Carnegie Mellon applicant. How long ago did your son get admitted to CMU? (We haven't heard yet.)</p>

<p>You sound thoughtful, mature and purposeful. I am confident that any of your options will work out well for your family. Good luck.</p>

<p>Please note that there was almost a two-year gap between posts #22 and #23.
You may not receive an answer. At least from the one you directed your question to.</p>

<p>Limodriver lady,
There is a 2 yr gap :-) son referred to was a 2005 high school grad. I do have a high school junior daughter so I still lurk & post sometimes though. Good luck to you though.
PS - S did matriculate to Clemson as a Natl Scholar & is finding the academics in Comp Engineering challenging indeed.</p>

<p>BG123456, OOOps! I didn't notice the year on the post. What can I say? The hour was late. We did learn today that S has been selected Natl Scholar at Clemson. He is thrilled, as he was totally impressed with the other Natl Scholar competitors. You say the Comp Eng at Clemson is challenging. Do you know anything about Comp Sci? This is what he intends to study.</p>

<p>Limodriverlady, Congrats to you & your S!!!!!!! I don't know much about the Comp Sci program. S was initially a comp sci major but switched to Comp Engineering because that major was a better fit for his long range plans. Clemson is an awesome place and the NSP is an amazing program with lots of opportunitities to take advantage of.</p>

<p>BG123456, Yes, we (S,H, and myself, because we all attended the Natl Scholars weekend) all agree with you that Clemson is very unique. The spirit and the manners of both the faculty and students we met there were like a breath of fresh air to us, since S has gone to the same very large and bureacratic public school system since he began kindergarten. It really seemed as if the culture is mutually supportive, yet quite dynamic and exciting!</p>

<p>Side note: Hey, BG. (Brigadier General?) I think it's neat that you're still around, caught this thread, and replied to LDL.</p>

<p>TheDad - Until child #3 (my last one) gets through this process, I will be around :-)</p>