HELP! UC application

i already posted on the berkeley forum - just trying to get the maximum amount of information
so right now im my top choice is UC berkeley EECS (after being rejected for CS harvard - hence the profile name).

here goes the story; bear with me if it is a bit long
chinese student from china willing to pay the full ride

SAT 1: 2190 - m800, cr 650, w 740
SAT 2: math2 800, physics 760
1 B in entire high school,
doing IB course for 11 and 12 - predicted 39/42 - rigorous course load though.

essays: good (cant judge though)

major awards : decent stuff
Community service and volunteering:
executive member at an NGO
tutor at this place where we teach kids physics and stuff
internship at tech company
oldage home

interesting part starts here:
1 ) tennis - nationally ranked, school captain, mvp
2) badminton - decent stuff
3) student council - big positions in both years 11 and 12
4)guitar - pretty decent
5) i said that “i founded a website that captures my interest in science and technology”

scared that the adcoms might think im bluffing i said - in the additional comments section - that i will send information about the website if required

though i wasnt contacted by any schools i sent them all an e-mail on jan 15 with the updated description - which is pretty neat - and information about the website and now its live and blah blah … i also sent in a link to the website.

all other UC’s i applied to (LA, SD, I) sent in a thank you for the update kind off e- mail, but UCB didnt send in anything even after 10 days. so i punch in a mail to berkeley saying that it would be nice to add the info in the previous mail to my app and did u receive the mail and what not.

i got a reply saying that the received my mail - i received it within an hour.

to also mention:
i did not receive a supplementary questionnaire; received invite for leadership award

so my doubts are:
since UC’s finish reviewing apps by january end - will my app be reconsidered if they reviewed it before i sent in the update.
will they throw me in the reject pile on thinking i was bluffing.

should i reply to the “we received your mail” e- mail with the following

thank you for the information. If you want to see the website - please click the link here (link to my website).
sorry if this information is useless - berkeley has been my dream since i was 6 years old and i would most definitely attend if accepted - i am just trying to make sure that i can do everything in my power to make sure berkeley receives an application that accurately represents me


should i send this mail or not? should i send something else ? or should i shut up and sit tight and wait for the decision?
does the invite for the leadership award mean anything

i will be deeply grateful for your opinions and advice
btw what do you think of my chances

Honest opinion… sit tight. I think sending a ton of emails might seem overbearing. They have everything you want them to see, so leave it to them now. I don’t think college admissions at Berkeley are gonna botch it up. It’s Berkeley they’ll be adequately thorough.

I cannot tell what you are saying. You said you are sending thank-you notes, please do not to that anymore. The UC are very large and get a vast amount of applications and they simply do not want additional emails. If you sent one update, leave it alone. Now I can’t tell if you said they are sending a questionnaire to you about leadership. If they invite you to respond or send something, in that case do it. Only in that case.

What are you talking about bluffing? Do you mean lying? About what? I simply can’t tell what you are talking about.

6 year olds do not know anything about college or what is a good college for them. They can only copy grownups. It doesn’t matter a bit wanted when you wanted when you were 6. That is ridiculous.

sorry if you were confused.

UC’s send out questionnaires to borderline students - i didnt receive this.
they sent an invite to apply for a scholorship - its totally different from the questionnaire

You should be only emailing admissions for an update in regards to:

  1. D or F grade
  2. Change in your Senior courses

They do not want any more information unless you received a supplement.

i just sent a short email with two updates about my website and my national tennis rank and saying thank you.
Do you think this can negatively hurt me

I do not think it will hurt, they will probably just ignore the email. UC’s do not consider applicants level of interest.

I see that you have a lot of experience; so, what do you think my chances are (especially for berkeley)

I do not see a posted GPA?

UCB: High Match

Just noticed you posted only 1 B for HS.

I don’t think your SAT is high enough. Also, if you keep sending emails to this public university, it may make them doubt your application. They already have what they need.

are u considering the major i applied to (EECS) when saying it is a high match. plus could you give me some more information; I am new here; so i dont exactly know what you mean by high match

Yes, I am considering your major which is very competitive. High Match means you have around a 50-60% chance. A match would be 60-70% chance, Low reach about a 40-50% chance etc…

Thx for clarifying. But, do you think that the adcoms will hold it against me that I said “i ahve founded a website that encompasses my interest in science and technology” in my application. please note that, i did send them information about the website later on. Do you think they will reread my application if they already read it and then they receive updates.


Unless you received a supplement from UCB, they will probably not look at any emails or updates to your application. The UC’s will only want to know if you have dropped any classes or received any grades lower than a C. They have probably already reviewed your application and will base their decision on the orginial information.