help! UW-madison or Oxford College of emory university

<p>dont know how much this changes things, but i also got into the honors program at wisconsin</p>

<p>Honors program = opportunities for classes. From your posts you seem to want to hear us tell you you should come to Wisconsin. Do so. You can always transfer if you are overwhelmed by UW, but I doubt that will happen.</p>

<p>I recently met with some honors kids who also lived in one of the dorms with a learning community. They loved it and found the size hardly ever was a problem. They bonded quickly into a tight group with some shared interests and also go to be close with some faculty at an early stage. Several were invited to work with that faculty person on research as sophs. Not a typical big school experience…</p>

<p>Even without living in one of the learning communities you will find like minded students in your Honors courses. A math/science student may choose one of those subjects but not want what a learning community has to offer. Your “neighborhoods” will include those in your dorm house and those in your smaller Honors courses. Add in any activities you especially like- for a runner that could be the Wis Track Club, for a HS musician a chorus or orchestra group- and you have several ways to encounter people on a personal level. In a large school you also have opportunities to easily abandon trials that don’t work as you expected- you don’t need to interact with anyone from an activity you drop or worry about everyone knowing about you via the grapevine.</p>

<p>You can also use UW as a stepping stone to Emory if after you are here you still want to get that degree.</p>

<p>^^^^Wis makes some very compelling arguments.</p>

<p>thanks a bunch! i think il be choosing wisconsin because of the financial aid and honors
…but yeah you guys helped make a very tough decision easier</p>

<p>Welcome to Wisconsin! Never look back- go forward and enjoy your college experience.</p>