Help with CommonApp Activities Section

When filling out the CommonApp activities section, what would I put for “position / leadership description” for a creative writing summer program I attended? Obviously I did not hold a leadership position there, but I did submit pieces and help edit, so maybe I could describe that somehow.

Write what you did in the description.

The title would be participant. Or student or attendee etc. whichever fits.

My kids were told by guidance counselor to hit “preview” in the activities section in order to see the writing the way the ad com will see it. They were told to be sure to use all the characters in each line/section and not to be redundant by repeating the same information on different lines. the thought was, they aren’t spending a ton of time reading it and they don’t pay attention to whether what you’re writing is in the leadership/position section or the activity description section, so by using “preview” you can make it make sense while using all the available characters to describe why it is important/descriptive of you.

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