Help with Junior/Senior Year IB Schedule

<p>Hi, I'm picking out classes for my Sophomore, Junior and Senior Year (Yes, I know it's stupid that I have to pick out my Senior classes in 9th grade), and I need some input on coursework and stress levels. I'm worried that my courses are going to make me burn out, especially in Senior year, since I have to take so many exams at once. </p>

<p>Here's the link to the google docs spreadsheet I made for my courses. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Please give some advice on what courses to drop, what courses to keep, etc.</p>

<p>Some extra info: History HL is the only IB Group 3 my school offers, so I have to take that. We have several redundant course requirements that are necessary to graduate in my county, so I'm taking those courses online. I will be playing Varsity Tennis all 4 years and spending at least 2 hours a day on that during the spring (Undefeated Team let's go!!!). I would like to have around an hour a day to work on some other extracurricular projects I have in mind. I want to sleep at least 5 hours a day (unless it's a week before exams).</p>


<p>Okay! You are a classic example of extreme over-achiever. I mean I know I am, but even I’m not attempting AP with IB. That’s is one thing that really concerns me. IB is such a GINORMOUS time commitment. AP can take your time with HW if you take lots of intense AP classes, but IB takes probably way more. (I can’t compare since I am only doing IB, I took AP as a sophomore only). You have underestimated IB’s projects and amount of work you’ll receive. I am sure someone will say that it’s possible, and it is, but you will have to be EXTREME in time management and fit in CAS with all the big projects and any outside activities/EC’s. And unless you are pretty proficient in Spanish, I would not recommend taking HL. I am, considering taking HL Spanish next year, but I have to prove to my teacher that I would be able to handle her class and right now I am not. I bet you are good or like Science and Math (and Comp Sci), from the HL’s there. HL Math is pretty hard, but if your really good then it wont be a problem. Really consider taking four HL classes; SL isn’t much easier, but it offers a semi-break from the HL classes. And your 11th grade year is stressful already after being dumped in IB and never really being prepared for it, you AP and SAT are going to add to it. I am planning on taking ACT and SAT for the next 4 months and fitting in time for studying is kind of hard because I don’t want to do the extra work after my HW. Just consider IB with all the work and stress, plus the extra activities and think about how you are going to handle it. Make sure you are organized and have a planner. I think your schedule is fine although Math, Comp Sci, Physics, and AP _Econ is going to be draining unless you get excited about the classes. You can do your Tennis, but it will take managing your time. So no procrastination for the most part. The Tennis team at my school misses 1-3 days a week sometimes for games and lol it’s easier being at school than not since you’ll will miss so much information. I hope I could help and if you have any questions, just ask.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your detailed response! I’m going to wait for some second opinions, and then I’ll do one big response regarding my final decisions! Thanks a bunch for helping an IB underclassman! :)</p>

<p>Is your school making you pick your classes now, or is it just something you’re trying to plan out? Because it doesn’t make sense if your school expects you to know what classes and to what extent you wish to challenge yourself throughout high school in the second semester of your first year.</p>

<p>That is a very challenging course load. I don’t think the seven tests at the end of senior year is your biggest worry–a lot of people, including myself, will be sitting for all six of my IB exams in May of senior year–but rather just how many courses you’re taking.</p>