HELP WITH ORGANIZING MY ECs!? Not sure the best way to present them on the common app

<p>So here are 3 of the ECs that I intend to list in the first 3 spots, I just dont know which order, because I know it reflects it's importance to me, and that is fine and dandy, except that they all are important and I want the first one to be my most impressive.... Here goes...(These are listed in no respective order)</p>

<p>1)"Philanthropy Committee" an effort by me to create a system of mentors and buddies within my school. Took this leadership Position for 3 months in 12th grade and postgraduate.</p>

<p>2)"Math Head Tutor" for SAT/ACT class. Appointed head tutor, and took this spot in 11th and 12th grade, taught the class.</p>

<p>3)"Editor of the School Newsletter" that was sent to students families and used as a form of advertisement as well. DOne for about 3 months in my senior year.</p>

<p>SO based on longevity and the strength of the activities, what would be my best choice as far as order, and what I should really emphasize the most on??</p>

<p>The problem that I see with putting 1 or 3 as your most important is that they were both 3 months senior year</p>

<p>Are you a transfer student or taking a gap year? Do you have other ECs from post graduation to mention or is this the whole list? If these three are the sum total of all your ECs, then depending on on whether you want to highlight yourself as a math whiz or a potential journalism major, I would chose one of those for the first slot and the other one for the second. The philanthropy committee would be my third choice for you.</p>