<p>So here are 3 of the ECs that I intend to list in the first 3 spots, I just dont know which order, because I know it reflects it's importance to me, and that is fine and dandy, except that they all are important and I want the first one to be my most impressive.... Here goes...(These are listed in no respective order)</p>
<p>1)"Philanthropy Committee" an effort by me to create a system of mentors and buddies within my school. Took this leadership Position for 3 months in 12th grade and postgraduate.</p>
<p>2)"Math Head Tutor" for SAT/ACT class. Appointed head tutor, and took this spot in 11th and 12th grade, taught the class.</p>
<p>3)"Editor of the School Newsletter" that was sent to students families and used as a form of advertisement as well. DOne for about 3 months in my senior year.</p>
<p>SO based on longevity and the strength of the activities, what would be my best choice as far as order, and what I should really emphasize the most on??</p>