
<p>Nationality: Korean</p>

<p>GPA: 3.99 unweighted, 4.1 weighted (with 0.5 for AP)</p>

<p>SAT: 2270; retook it last week and expect it to be a little better</p>

<p>APs: English (5), Calc AB (5), Bio (5), US History (5), Euro History (5); 5 APs this year</p>

Symphony Band 10-12 (President)
Performing Artists Union 9-12 (Officer)
Jazz Ensemble 12
Pit Orchestra for Musical "Chess" 11 (Section Leader)
Korean Club 9-12 (Secretary)
Asian Cultural Collage 10-12 (Organizing Committee)
Concerts for Senior Citizens 11-12 (Vice President)
Leprosy Home 10-12
Honor Socieites-
National Honor Society 11-12
Chinese Honor Society 11-12</p>

<p>First Choice: UPenn
Others: Cornell, Duke, Northwestern, U of Chicago, JHU, MIT, U of Mich, UC Berkeley</p>

<p>Is my list of colleges realistic? ;(</p>