Helpful Courses for the LSAT

<p>Many people on this website and other law school applicants I've spoken to agree that The Princeton Review and Kaplan courses pale in comparison to the Powerscore classes. But how do the Powerscore and Testmaster's compare? Are they roughly equivalent in terms of material covered and approaches employed?? Any info appreciated</p>

<p>I have had many more folks recommend Testmasters. What geographic location are you planning to use the service in???</p>

<p>I'm planning on taking a regular course in Manhattan.</p>

<p>Personally I don't know how much it will matter. Being in a metro area there will be multiple locations, multiple instructors and if you don't like one you can find another. The real pay for pay here is the practice, practice and the official atmosphere of the practice. Good luck and wish me luck also.</p>

<p>I took a Stanley Kaplan course long, long, ago, and taught there while I was in law school. I wasn't impressed with their materials, but wholly endorse the "practice, practice, practice" approach.</p>

<p>I doubt that there's a particular course that stands head and shoulders above any other. I'd focus on cost, and finding a lengthy course that gives you a structure for lots of practice over a long period of time. I'd expecially focus on taking all of actual previous exams that have been published.</p>

<p>My inside informant feels the Kaplan resource library is superior but that the Powerscore classes are more effective.</p>

<p>Does the informant happen to know anything about Testmasters too?</p>

<p>I know the PowerScore books are good.</p>

<p>What college courses can boost up (or be directly helpful) your LSAT score?
Any recommended intro. courses?</p>

<p>Anyone have an opinion on Princeton Review vs. Kaplan?</p>