helpp please!

<p>hey guys, thanks for checkin my thread.
im doing this to find out if i still have any chance for harvard.
messed up my freshman year - first term did extremely bad. </p>

the bronx high school of science, top 5 hs in the nation.</p>

<p>94.3 gpa (around a 96 without my 1st term of freshman year)
sat: 2390</p>

<p>A.P. World History - 5
A.P. U.S 1 Year - 5
A.P. Chem - 5
A.P. Bio - 5
Senior Year ->
A.P. Physics
A.P. Calc
A.P. Gov
A.P. Stat</p>

<li>Research for 3 years at Sophie Davis</li>
<li>summer job, summer in india working at an orphanage (im actually indian, so i dont know if they'll believe that. mabye if i get a letter from the director.. ?</li>
<li>summer abroad w/ volunteer program for a month, another month at a summer prog for physics.</li>
<li>summer spent researching / volunteered abroad again for a month</li>
<li>700 hours volunteering @ a hospital</li>
<li>pre med society (pres)</li>
<li>key club</li>
<li>biology journal</li>
<li>national honors society for hs scholars</li>
<li>whos who</li>
<li>all american scholar</li>
<li>national honor roll</li>

<p>sat 2s
chem - 760
physics - 760
bio - 780</p>

<p>your stats overall are ample for Harvard, but u dont mention your freshman year, when u messed up. tell us about it, i hardly think that people can assess based solely on your senior year. so far, u do look strong, but i can never know. high SAT scores dont guarantee anything. an acquaintance of mine got in with 600-640 verbals.</p>

<p>Was there a specific reason you messed up freshman year? I know that Harvard probably doesn't want to hear an excuse like "I was involved in too many activities" or "I spread myself too thin," but if something like a parent illness/death or moving schools or severe financial problems or something occurred, your GC could probably mention it in the school report. If that won't work, you could possibly use the Addtl. Info section of the Common App to explain, but only provide explanation if it is an EXPLANATION, not an excuse.</p>

<p>Amazing stats, though! I wish I had your numbers!</p>

<p>thanks for replying guys,</p>

<p>yeah i had a reason... father had a severe sickness, rocked the family.
by "messing up" ... i ended first time with a 85 overall avg.</p>

<p>Maybe you could write about your father's illness in one of your essays....that would explain why you "messed up" freshmen year.</p>

<p>sounds good.. but as far as stats go.. harvard level?
do i have a good chance?</p>

<p>yes i think you have a chance, your definetly in range and your circumstances of having a sick parent have great essay potential.....but please don't list this: "whos who". It makes me cringe anytime i hear of someone who's in that book and some adcom people will too just a money spot...anyone who can pay to have their name in the book and write something on a list...i think it will definetly hurt you.</p>

<p>but yeah, work on a great essay and you definetly have a shot!</p>

<p>your ECs are ok... not great (leadership?). scores/grades are decent, but not spectacular. i really wouldn't bet on an acceptance. maybe a waitlist</p>

<p>these are meaningless. anyone who pays get them. scams for gullible people:</p>

<li>national honors society for hs scholars</li>
<li>whos who</li>
<li>all american scholar</li>
<li>national honor roll</li>

<p>it only shows that you are desperate to boost up your application</p>