HELPPPP! UCSB VS Berkeley. Social Life vs Academics

<p>For the past year UCSB was my number 1 school I wanted to go to and I was overjoyed at getting in that I almost sent off my SIR straight away. Then the next week I got in at UC Berkeley which was completely unexpected because my grades dont necessarily fit the profile of freshman admits. So now I have a week to decide where to go to and I keep changing my mind everyday. I visited Berkeley and didnt like the overwhelming atmosphere nor the location particularly, but I am aware that it has one of the best economics programs nationally (I dont want to have the stress and hard-work of getting into Haas). The social scene is important to me, which leans me towards UCSB, however, acedemics are equally importantly, which leans me towards Berkeley. I dont want to spend the next 4 years sat in a libary, but I want to get a top job after graduating college, which is why I am torn between to two. </p>

<p>Any questions/comments/personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Go to Berkeley otherwise you’ll always wonder what might’ve been. I think social concerns about certain colleges are silly - you’ll find people you like anywhere.</p>

<p>Actually to me it sounds like you’ll be happiest at UCSB. I don’t know how UCSB ranks in the econ department but I’m guessing it’s not terrible.</p>

<p>My dad went to UCSB, he said it was real fun. Majored in something on the business side (don’t know specific major) and eventually opened up his own real estate company and was making close to millions! Then the whole economy crashed so now he just does real estate unemployed and has an avg income.</p>

<p>So either way you can’t go too wrong lol.</p>

<p>omgggg thats the same situation i am in!!! exact same almost… i m torn between ucsc/berkeley/ucsc@!!!
i am confused between berkeley, santa cruz and ucsb… i need help…
i really dont know what to do…something about berkeley set me off before last year it was my dream school i m just happy that i got in lol… i am one of the top 12 at my campus but i was still scared i wouldnt get it…but now that i got in…i m seriously confused… i might pick santa cruz over both cal and ucsb…</p>

<p>thats right it was the environment of berkeley that set me off…noisy…ugly housing arrangements soo distracting…and campus in the middle of the city …not my thing… but i dont twant to regret either… i m completely messed up… i need help </p>

<p>i am an econ major i just saw the world class rankings of economics department…
cal ranks the 3rd.
ucsb ranks 34
ucsc ranks 44!!! they are miles apart in rankings but still one of the top 50 worldwide!!! i m not looking to work with power/money mongering financial institutions on wall street…i might endup working for peace corp then something inline with united nations…</p>

<p>Go to Berkeley. Social life shouldn’t be an issue.</p>

<p>You’ll have a social life at berkeley, just a crappier GPA</p>