<p>I am new to all of this and need guidance.</p>
<p>My daughter has been accepted at Hendrix. Should I send in her deposit and commit or should I wait and see if we get some financial aid offers? It has been about a month and nothing yet.</p>
<pre><code> Thanks, Amanda
<p>I would think it depends on your D situation. Did she decided to go to Hendrix? If yes and money no object then by all means, send in your deposit.
If your D applied to several schools and you waiting to compare fin aid packges, which will be send after you file FAFSA in Jan 2006 and whatever else forms will be requested you do not have to commit until the certain date. Usually it is May1 for most schools. Some schools will pressure you to commit earlier but your deposit is refundable unitl May 1 so you keep in line your place but still can refuse in the end.
You can check website for those specifics or ask your D to talk to admission concelor.
Congratulations to your D and you, Hendrix is wonderful school. My D refused to apply/ too far/ or so she thinks but she loved the school.
If you are very sure you won't qualify for any need based help then it is up to your D to decide. You will get better housing options if you send your deposit early but that is about it.</p>