<p>I just found out that I was pulled off of Illinois Wesleyan's wait list today.</p>
<p>I haven't sent my deposit to Hendrix, the school I was planning on going to... yet. (I plan to do this today, like right now).</p>
<p>They said they offered me $7,000 in scholarships and said to call them if I needed more information about financial aid.</p>
<p>Well, I do (obviously) need more information about my financial aid package, but since it's Saturday I obviously cannot call them until 5/4. And I'm already a day late in sending my deposit to Hendrix.</p>
<p>What do I do? Submit the deposit to Hendrix, just so that I can likely later decide to go to Illinois Wesleyan (a school I'd rather go to for an equal price)? But if I don't submit my deposit to Hendrix, banking on IWU costing the same or less as Hendrix with financial aid, and it turns out IWU offers me even worse aid than Hendrix did, I'll be stuck with option of going to IWU for way more money than my family can pay, or not going to ANY school next year (I was only accepted by Hendrix and wait listed at five different place; IWU is the only school that has pulled me off so far).</p>
<p>So, what do I do...? Would it be okay to send the Hendrix deposit on 5/4 or would they rescind my acceptance for being so late?</p>