Hey,you guys! (Oprah and st. aegis especially)

<p>Hey guys, if you guys could chance me that'd me great! I'm so nervous. I can't believe it's less than a month to go!</p>

<p>Southeast Asian
from California</p>

<p>Test Scores
Composite: 31
English: 33
Math: 32
Reading: 33
Science 27
Writing: 11</p>

Reading: 680
Math: 730
Writing: 670
Reading: 690
Math: 680
Writing: 700
Chemistry: 690
Math II: 730
World History: 710</p>

<p>** Classes and Grades **
1 in a class of 712
4.3158 GPA Weighted
4.0 GPA Unweighted</p>

<p>** AP's **
Composition and Language: 4
US History: 5
World History: 4
Calculus BC: 3, 3-AB
Chemistry: 3
Trig and Calc A as a Sophomore</p>

Physics (E&M and Mechanics)
French Language
Micro/Macro Economics</p>

<p>** Activities **
Honor Roll, 2003-present, All A's for the Semester.
California Scholarship Federation, 2005-present. Vice President. Junior Officer.
National Honors Society, 2006-present. PR Officer
California Council for the Social Studies, 2007-present.
National History Day, National (3rd Place), State/County Champion. (6 years)
County Champion, Mock Trial. (2 years)
Medalist, Science Olympiad. (4 years)
Student Leader, Stars Away Project (Basically a 48-hour simulation of a real NASA mission, my math teacher started it when i was in her class. I've been Student Leader since its inception. This is our third year.)
AP Scholar w./ Distinction.
Cross-Country, 8 years+Honorary Varsity (4 years of xc > 1 varsity letter)
Track and Field, 7 years+Honorary Varsity (4 years of track > 1 varsity letter)
ASB Commissioner of Thought (In Spirit Society since Freshmen year)
Volunteer @ Hospital since Freshmen year
Chess Club President since junior year+4 years of membership
Filipino Club, PR Officer. Co-Founder of my middle school's filipino club.
Public Relations Officer, Philosophy Club
Delegate, Supreme Court Justice, California Boys State
Student Representative, School Review Team, just this year
Certified Peer Counselor
Five Years of Piano
Four Years of Taekwondo
Altar Server, since 4th grade *got an award for years of service
Prayer Group Leader, since 4th grade
Volunteer Tutor, various subjects, since freshmen year
Volunteer Coach, since sophomore year</p>

<p>A Bunch of Filipino Culture/Heritage Awards
** Essays and Letters of Rec **
*Essays: *
Big Essay: Wrote about History Day and my research for that project, including some here at Stanford
Little Essay: Wrote about Stars Away Project and what I did, talked about over-coming difficulties.
Mentally Stimulating: Mock Trial
Letter: A letter?
Why: Used a metaphor and talked about how Boys State has helped me to see multiple viewpoints and how Stanford offers me that.</p>

<p>** Letters: **
French Teacher (Known since freshmen year, taking AP french w./now)
Math Teacher (Known since sophomore year, did Space Project w./ him)</p>

<p>Thanks guys!!!</p>

<p>wow that was heinously long. i feel embarrassed.</p>

<p>You have a lot of impressive ECs. However, your standardized testing scores bring you down. Still, I’d say that you have a good chance with all yours EC’s. As long as you don’t seem like you are trying to do everything at once without much focus.</p>

<p>I say rejected. Just looking at your EC’s, I can tell that you aren;t very committed to anything. You have over 20 EC, there is NO WAY in hell that you can do any of them very well, if that is to say you do them at all.</p>

<p>be selective on ECs</p>

<p>well, primarily, i ADORE how i was mentioned in the subject, so that’s a definite plus
but as far as your chances go, it’s very debatable
your GPA is very good, and the fact that you’re the valedictorian is a definite plus
however, your test scores aren’t up to par
as far as HYPS go, you should at least have SAT 2’s in the 700s and an ACT of at least 33
and for your EC’s, you do a lot of really great things, but as someone mentioned before, you seem to be pretty stretched out and therefore don’t have a leadership position in many clubs, which is a definite minus
i’d say you have a 35% chance, although i do love ya girl</p>

<p>nice, but i am confused with your 8 years of xc and 8 years of track, lol, thats a butt a load, but then it says u only did for 4 years? wierd</p>

<p>but u have good stats</p>

<p>Actually, many of your ECs look pretty impressive (3rd place in National History Day is whoaaa) but you should organize them better, like in terms of importance. Also, it’s National Honor Society, not Honors.</p>

<p>@ moviemania101: I started in 4th grade and have done it continuously since then. The only 4 that count towards my varsity letter though are the four (including this year) during high school</p>

<p>@ Poseur: Yeah, I didn’t really organize them here, I more or less just pulled them from the multiple EV’s I had written. whoops…seriously? I guess NHS shouldn’t have accepted me :D</p>

<p>oprah you idiot, if this guy is getting high 600s-low 700s on sat iis they know that his curriculum isnt too hard, and they will regard it as such.
I personally think that you might be deferred or waitlisted.
The extent of your ecs from what I have seen is quite mediocre, from my perspective, but as i tell many other people, there seems to be little direction. I guess the history thing is big, but i dont see anything else that works to back that up.
If stanford is looking for rounded people, you would be that person, but personally stanford doesnt do that.</p>

<p>st.aegis and oprah, you both need to cut your bullcrap out. grow up…enough is enough. i was hoping the cat fight would stop at some point, but wow.</p>

<p>i wont till she (i mean he) stops first.</p>

<p>why oprah and st aegis lolll</p>

<p>i agree with st aegis stanford is going to notice the discrepancy between your gpa/class ranking and your scores. id cut down on the ECs and really focus in on your passion (your culture? history? track? etc.) Stanford <em>when they’re not being grossly arbitrary</em> looks for people with one solid passion. You do seem really involved in your community but if you hone in on just a couple great things you’ve done theyll be more impressed. Less is more :)</p>

<p>what that was completely unwarranted and unnecessary, honey
and they wouldn’t necessarily regard his curriculum as less hard just because of his SAT 2 scores. that’s ridiculous. there are a lot of people who go to really tough school but who just don’t test well
chill out, stop trying to sound like you know more than I, and stop attacking people
because in the end, we all love one another</p>



<p>But I lovez it D:</p>

<p>“what that was completely unwarranted and unnecessary, honey”</p>

<p>uh not really; it was completley necessary </p>

<p>“and they wouldn’t necessarily regard his curriculum as less hard just because of his SAT 2 scores. that’s ridiculous. there are a lot of people who go to really tough school but who just don’t test well”</p>

<p>um remind me what the sat ii’s do again? They measure your academic strength HONEY</p>

<p>“chill out, stop trying to sound like you know more than I, and stop attacking people”</p>

<p>So who attacked me ms I dont attack anyone</p>

<p>“because in the end, we all love one another”</p>

<p>sorry, I dont live in a world of hugs and kisses and dont call me honey, nor give me kisses, nor love…</p>

<p>all of what you said is illogical!
it is completely, fundamentally, undeniably illogical</p>

<p>but…i secretly love you</p>

i swear i am going to shoot myself
no hugs
no kisses
no love
please, this is too much torture…</p>



<p>the grammatical errors weakened the effect of this closing statement for me :(</p>