<p>@BurningIce: No sports. 0 athletic prowness.
I play the flute though, since 4th grade (our elementary school offered band lessons) I take lessons through the public school system for 30 minutes once a week. I also play flute for instrumental ensemble :]
I’ve also played the piano since I was 6… I quit my lessons in 7th grade because I was wayyy to busy and my mom didn’t have enough money to finance them. So I chose the flute over the piano :]</p>
<p>I woke up at 12:00 today because yesterday was so much fun. I spent too much time hanging out when I could be memorizing Atticus’s speech for my English oral presentation or studying. So my best friend’s friend came from Florida to meet her brother who’s currently a freshman at Harvard. They had some orientation there or something. So I spent the entire Saturday being their tour guide. We went to the Commons, walked the Freedom trail, went to a bunch of educational historical sites, ate at Fanuiel Hall, went to Chinatown for dinner, and then we went to MIT. My friend’s brother was wearing a Harvard sweatshirt on the MIT campus, aha XD</p>