High school courses

Does taking a study hall affect my chances of getting into an ivy league schools

For highly selective schools, it is important that your GC will be able to truthfully indicate that you took a most rigorous course load. I don’t think that’s an impossibility with a study hall, but think about it.

Well, what else would you be taking?

If it’s offered at your school, I’d take an independent study instead. What is your reason for wanting to take a study hall?

I took a study hall, and it was only approved because I said I would self-study AP Euro. I bought a textbook and even submitted a curriculum to the principal.

^^ So you purchased a textbook and are self-studying for AP Euro during that time – wonderful – but it’s still going to appear as Study-Hall on your transcript, correct? What other classes might you be taking INSTEAD of Study-Hall? If you could list the options that fit into your schedule, it might help you get better advice.

I think another reason for a Study Hall might be if you have a particularly difficult sports schedule. Otoh, DS was on a hockey travel team, self-studied for (iirc) 4 of his 7 AP courses junior year, and managed. Learning time management was an unintended consequence, and it’s not a bad side effect.

I am not intending this to sound harsh, but I think schools of Yale’s caliber favor applicants that push themselves, even when nobody’s looking.


There will be no course listed on the transcript in my particular instance. I already have all my graduation requirements (most of them fulfilled by AP/Honor courses) and I didn’t want to take a useless course like Financial Literacy.

“Financial literacy” is very useful actually. It may not help you get into college, but would put you in touch with adult realities and help you make sensible financial choices. In addition, it’s still better than a study hall and it wouldn’t be too much work.

I wouldn’t put a “Study Hall” on your transcript, even if you are self-studying; It might mean you don’t get that “most rigorous” designation.

^^ If “study-hall” will not appear on your transcript, how would an Admissions Director know you took it? And, if an AO won’t know, I don’t understand why you posted this thread?

@MYOS1634 , I wish that my kids had taken a Financial Literacy class. It’s comical that DS knows how to price an elaborate combination of options, but really has no idea about insurance, rent, taxes, 401k, Roth, etc.

My kids are among the better informed, which is frightening. Most Americans are financially illiterate, which has consequences for them that go far beyond paying their rent.

Many states require financial literacy for HS graduation. So to call it “useless” is rather naive.