High School Diplomats 2022

^Accepted (was speak texting) and had to correct since I can’t stand grammatical errors :slight_smile:

My son didn’t get accepted either - he did have strong Japanese ties (has traveled there for a month on exchange after 8th grade and has been an intern with that Japanese language/culture program for 3+ years). He’s a bit bummed, but enjoyed his interview and applying was a good experience

Does anyone have a sense of how many applications they receive?

Would be nice to know how many apply and how many get interviews each year. My daughter will try again next year!

How was the experience for your son? I’ve noticed the program has been posting on social media, so it reminded me that this was the week. I hope the much-shortened virtual experience was still really good!

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It was nice! There was a lot of work prior to the week online and my son enjoyed emailing his Japanese “roommate” several times leading up to the week of events. While it certainly wasn’t anywhere close to what could have been in person, my son really enjoyed the experience and it was very well done. Thanks for checking in!


Thanks for letting us know

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