High School Gpa

<p>"Do you guys include your middle school grades, like Algebra I into your GPA's?"</p>

<p>My school doesn't count them either. My transcript just says "P" instead of a grade.</p>

<p>4.5 this year which is 11th (2 APs), average of high school is 4.16 (all possible honors)</p>

<p>4.0 UW 4.67 W</p>

<p>A=5.0 in honors, 6.0 in APs! lol can you say grade inflation? in our school if you have <4.0 W you're in the bottom 50%</p>

<p>Wowwww haha. That is some inflation... I wonder if it helps you get into college easier?</p>

<p>doubt it-remember colleges recalculate your weighted GPA</p>

<p>Yeah, that's true. But what if you had a school that gave out As easily in all classes, advanced or not? That seems like it would look better to a college...</p>

<p>4.0 Unweighted</p>

<p>5.2(something) Weighted, Junior this year</p>

<p>Stupid system for calculation here... But it sort of works out. My last HS did AP=6, HNR=5, Reg=4 then just average the number.</p>

<p>My school:
Regular= 4.0
Honors= +.04 per quarter (usually two quarter-long classes AKA semester long)
AP= +.08 per quarter for a semester, then +.04 for next the remaining semester</p>

<p>does the ap class count for 6??
i thought it counts 5 like honor class...
i m still soph, and i have not taken ap class yet</p>

<p>4.0 unweighted</p>

<p>4.625 weighted (I think...)</p>

<p>My school doesn't weight, but the general consensus among us students is 5 for A's in AP/IB/certain honors, 4 for an A in a regular class, 3 for a B, so on.</p>

<p>3.4 UW 4.2ish W</p>

All honors, AP, and DE courses add .025 points per semester.</p>

<p>We are also on the 100-93 = A grading scale and we don't have +s and -s. Out of 100 my GPA would be closer to a 91-92 avg UW.</p>

<p>3.79 Unweighted, 4.027 Weighted</p>

<p>96-100 = 4.0

<p>They add 1 point for Honors Courses, and add 2 points for AP courses.</p>

<p>I yet to take any AP classes, and I am enrolled in 2 additional honors courses this semester. So, my GPA should be a lot more at the end of this semester. I am planning on taking 2 to 3 AP's over the summer. At the end of my Freshman year, I had a rank of 12 out of 176.</p>

<p>4.23 W
3.78 UW</p>

<p>HAHA, i LAUGH in your AP faces! IB allz the way!</p>

<p>but, 4.6 = IB
4.3= AP</p>

<p>International Baccalaureate OWNZ</p>

<p>89 UW 101.5 W</p>

<p>2150 SAT I and 2150 SAT II's</p>

<p>4.0 UW, 4.75 W (sophomore)</p>

<p>3 APs, 3 Honors
(an A in AP is a 5, in Honors is 4.5, and regular is just a good ol' 4.0)</p>

<p>woww you guys are really lucky. we don't get anything at all for honors.
our system is this. A=4, B=3, etc, the regular way. for an AP course, you get an extra point (Assuming it is C or higher), so A=5 there. but honors is still A=4 B=3</p>

<p>3.441 W
3.25 UW
32 ACT (~2190 SAT~)
the top 50 kids out of 400 have >4.0 W.. it sucks.
1500 SATII's..only 2 tests tho (level 2 math and chemistry)</p>

<p>Are you all calculating all classes or only core?</p>

<p>Core classes: 3.73UW 4.0W
All classes: 3.83UW 4.0W</p>

<p>My GPA = your SAT score. Out of 2400.</p>

<p>A = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
Average it out + 0.17(# of honors/AP) = your GPA</p>

<p>So an A in an honors/AP course = 4.17.</p>

<p>A = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
Average it out + 0.17(# of honors/AP) = your GPA</p>


<p>That means I would have 6.2~ GPA.</p>