High School profile: benefits of including college acceptances?

<p>D1's high school redid their profile for this year's admissions cycle, and it seems that the seniors did wonderfully with acceptances and matriculations. The profile lists colleges where graduates are attending (though not how many students), but doesn't list acceptances. That means that there are some top-notch schools which aren't listed on this summary. </p>

<p>I figure that the adcoms of the unlisted schools where students were accepted but didn't matriculate already know the score. I also figure that adcoms from unlisted schools that didn't get any applications from the school are getting enough of a sense of the school from the existing profile. That all makes me think that there's no point to adding on acceptances to the profile. But perhaps I'm overlooking something. Any point to adding on those acceptances?</p>

<p>One other issue: even though the school has a small senior class (<100), gathering and adding on this data would be non-trivial. If doing so provides real advantages, it's worth doing, but otherwise staff and volunteer time can be directed elsewhere.</p>

<p>D1 is a graduating senior, so my only concern is paying it forward, not benefitting my own kid. :)</p>

<p>Our school profile includes both schools attending and schools accepted to…doesn’t distinguish…</p>

<p>They do have it separated online…</p>

<p>similar graduating class size</p>

<p>I think parents and students of the future classes would like to know the acceptances so that they can gauge their effort and expectation. Other schools can find this information on Naviance.</p>

<p>Our district doesn’t have Naviance. We are so stone age that all GC/teacher admissions submissions are handled as hard copy snail mail.</p>

<p>Actually, it would be best to show both acceptances and matriculations.</p>

<p>Some schools show acceptances only; others show matriculations only. Makes it hard to do comparisons if you are into that kind of thing.</p>

<p>Our school does acceptances. I think it tends to make the school look better - it’s always conceivable that one kid could be responsible for all the big name schools. Our school is big enough that’s not really an issue.</p>

<p>S1’s HS updates/publishes their school profile each fall, referencing just matriculations …from the prior FIVE graduating classes. There are between 315-325 graduates annually, and 99% go on to a four-year degree program. Every Ivy and NESCAC school is on last year’s rolling, five-year roster…as well as a healthy handful of top enginerring schools and a ton of big box U and 2nd & 3rd tier LAC schools…but there is no indication of how many matriculations there are for each institution, or for which graduating class within that five year window.</p>

<p>A full list of acceptances is published in the Headmaster’s newsletter, at the end of each academic year… so existing families are likely the only ones to see the more extensive data.</p>