High School thinking of making a change - need opinions

<p>Captain - I think the "level" of our school may be part of the issue. We are a large public (for around here - about 2000 students) Title 1 school with a low graduation rate, and a lower 4 year college attendance rate. The reason we are the only school in area with an IB program was to gain more academic diversity for the building. There is quite a bit of political pressure to not further dichotomize the IB students from the rest of the student population, hence the hesitancy to weight grades for rank. But I don't think our school profile is helping anyone get into college except our URM and first generation kids. We DID however have one student go off to Dartmouth last year, and another headed there this year. In the past 10 years we've also had one student accepted at Stanford & Duke (same kid), and this year we have one going off to Amherst. Graduating class of about 360. Vast majority of our college attendees stay at local CC or local state U. Just to give you an idea from the overall school perspective.</p>

<p>Our school district has weighted grades. They add weight for honors, and even more for AP, and provide both weighted and unweighted grade points and weighted and unweighted rankings. All of this shows up on the transcript. Honor rolls are determined using highest grade point. I think this is a fair system, as it makes plain who has taken and succeeded at the rigorous courses.</p>

<p>I think there should be ranking</p>