high school transcripts for transfers

<p>i went to 5 high schools.
am i going to have to get transcripts from each of them?</p>

<p>Not if you apply as a junior.</p>

<p>Correct me if I’m wrong, but you still have to show your transcripts after you’re admitted.</p>

<p>nope not even that if your going in as a junior.</p>

<p>i need to submit mine… this is part of req to prove that (I guess) you have completed U.S. history requirement in high school.</p>

<p>Similiar question, do you need to provide AP test scores to UC if you are applying as a Junior? Or would the CCC take care of that since they already have the scores.</p>

<p>Dreamspace- you don’t actually have to submit to UC. if your using your H.S. coursework to fulfill igetc you’ll need it when you get igetc certified at your ccc. at least I never had to, and i’m pretty sure its still the same now. </p>

<p>But I don’t know about AP</p>

<p>I have the same question, too. Some say it is required, and some say it is not.
After I re-read the section called “Important Requirements” on UCD’s TAG decision website I think it maybe required.</p>



<p>for AP, my UCI TAG says “submit an official report for all advanced placement (AP) examination scores (3 or above)…” so i assume you only need to submit if you got 3 or higher on the test, at least for irvine</p>

<p>pink… i’m not sure where some of these people are getting their information from… once you are accepted to a UC you will have to submit ALL transcripts including all of your hs transcripts even as a transfer student. I had hs that i went to from other states many years ago and still had to submit all of them… it took a long time to contact all my past schools, so i suggest you get on it as soon as possible…that way when you have your deadline set, it will be easier to contact the schools (they want all transcripts from every school that you have put on your application, even if you didn’t graduate)</p>

<p>I’m with luv on this. I only went to one high school but I still had to submit my HS transcript. This is true for Cal at least.</p>

<p>Transfer Applicants</p>

<p>If you are admitted, you will be asked to submit official transcripts from all schools and colleges you have attended, including high school, regardless of your length of attendance or whether you believe the credit is transferable. Some campuses may request transcripts prior to admission.</p>



<p>KO 10char.</p>

<p>“if your using your H.S. coursework to fulfill igetc”</p>

<p>You can’t use non-AP H.S. coursework to fulfill IGETC.</p>

<p>Not even the foreign language requirement?</p>

<p>totakeke, I am completing the foreign language requirement for IGETC with my 3 years of high school French language. This is why UCs need “high school official transcripts”. I took that information from the UCs official website.</p>

<p>The high school transcript can fulfill the foreign language requirement. This is also in the IGETC as well. However, some high school courses can fulfill other requirements at different UCs.</p>

<p>Example for Berkeley transfers: [American</a> History and Institutions](<a href=“http://teaching.berkeley.edu/ahi/#ahi1]American”>http://teaching.berkeley.edu/ahi/#ahi1)</p>



<p>Hate to say I told yah so.</p>

<p>So if you’re not completing IGETC do you need to submit HS transcripts?</p>

<p>Regardless of IGETC certification the UC campus will require the transcript from the high school you graduated from and official AP scores from College Board. These records, along with any college level transcripts, are the documents we need to complete your admissions to the UC system. Please be prepared to submit these records when requested to do so.</p>