Higher Education Urged to Play More of a Role in Common Core

<p>“Colleges should look at what the Common Core is doing to ensure that students coming through their doors are college- and career-ready, not as an ephemeral goal but rather one more step on the way to higher education.”</p>

<p>The idea of having a standardized common core across the nation is meant to better prepare students for life after high school, whether that be going to college or joining the workforce. But how involved should colleges be in assisting the program to see that it actually accomplishes what it set out to do?</p>

<p><a href="http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/07/22/higher-education-urged-play-more-role-common-core#sthash.bQ11mWTK.S1A4CJgS.dpbs"&gt;http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/07/22/higher-education-urged-play-more-role-common-core#sthash.bQ11mWTK.S1A4CJgS.dpbs&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Interesting idea. Colleges already have students coming through their doors who are lacking basic HS English and Math skills. Maybe it’s time for them to weigh in on what is being taught (and not taught). </p>

<p>Or else stop accepting kids who should be in other programs (vocational, technical training.)</p>

<p>These reports are omitting the fact that the PSAT and SAT are changing in 2015-16 to be “Common Core aligned” so why would colleges want to accept 11th grade PAARC and Smarter-Balanced test scores when many of the Common Core states are using other tests and a number of states aren’t Common Core states. It will be much easier for colleges to stick with looking at SAT and ACT scores and let those organizations modify their testing.</p>

<p>Common Core seems like a decent concept gone horribly wrong. </p>

<p>Besides the indications that the Core seems to be controlled by elitists that want to keep their control over the “masses” by keeping them ignorant, it seems like it was a potentially good idea.</p>

<p>One problem is that the core has become an entire K-12 curriculum. A core should be there to reinforce American values - it should be a set of 10-20 books or true stories that all kids are asked to learn like The Constitution and The Federalist Papers and The Decline and Fall of Rome and MLK, Jr speech on The Mall and some great works like Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Fin, etc. I don’t understand why the Core infects every subject including math & science. The curricula is then built at the local level around the Core and individualized. Common Core doesn’t leave much room for individualization. </p>

<p>Another problem is forcing too much stupid administrative workload on teachers who should be teaching. The federal government isn’t supposed to be in our schools. They don’t require any information on our kids. It’s just another NSA data collection scheme and business marketing program. We. Have to stop sending the government all this information on our private business and we definitely shouldn’t sell out our children who will have life moment recorders and stored on some electronic database in the NSA over their lifetimes. Please stop it.</p>