Hill / Deerfield / Hotchkiss - Culture

Thank you so much.

Wonder what to do then if you accept one but still wait for another? I guess people do it. She needs so much to move out of public school. This year has been so hard–not learned much. We have tried to supplement where we can.

Yes, you accept one and wait. If you get in off the WL, you can reassess. If you then choose to go to the WL school, you lose your deposit.

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No rush to accept before the deadline. Although rare, there are people who get off of the waitlist prior to April 10.


I forgot to say, congratulation on her acceptances!

Thanks so much. we are neophytes to this.
Moved from Pacific NW from Eastside Prep and have been in public for a while.

thanks so much–we were in the Pacific Northwest before at Eastide Prep. She has been @ public but middle has been so hard.

@Route30: If you haven’t found it already, please join the discussion over on The Wait List thread, starting here.

And this one, too.

Congratulations to your D on amazing application results and the hard work behind them. And to you as well!

St. George’s is a wonderful option, well done!

@Golfgr8 Thank you for your thoughtful perspectives!

My son (and I) delayed a thorough comparative evaluation, allowing for the possibility that the M10 hat sorting would cull our list a bit. Though we have not yet had an opportunity to visit, Deerfield and Hill are still top contenders. A visit will surely help, but I’m not certain that we will have that opportunity.

Three questions, if you have a moment:

  • One question that has come up is about the relative academic competitiveness (or lack thereof) at Deerfield. In your experience, do students skew toward a collaborative approach to working through things together or jockey for individual top honors?

  • For those who have not previously had the opportunity to fully develop their sports prowess, can students be engaged in athletics in a meaningful way, or are they at risk of being in the shade of larger/stronger plants?

  • Are most students in singles or do they share with roommates?

Many many thanks for any input!

Good questions @Lifeisbeautiful3

Question #1: Deerfield is an a rigorous school and there is academic competitiveness. The classes are more challenging that you probably realize - academically it is tougher than what people discuss on CC or even know about based on Niche rankings. I suggest you go to the school website and check out the School Report - look at the grade distributions. Last year, I believe 2 Juniors earned averages of 95 or higher. I wish someone had told us to do that 4 years ago! Go check out the grade distributions at the schools where your kiddo was accepted. If you are hyper-anxious about GPA, then you may not find DA the best fit for your kiddo. The competition gets more intense as you get into upper grades and kids are competing for those few spots in the top 10% of the class. Otherwise, we find that students at DA are much more competitive with themselves rather than each other - at least academically.

Question #2: Athletics are huge at Deerfield, yes. But, there is ample opportunity to start a new sport and many levels. We know kids who started Crew in 9th grade and are heading to row in college. Ditto with squash - tennis players who took it up at DA and are now on Varsity. Same with cross country. I’m being realistic - don’t expect to take up lacrosse for the first time as a 9th grader and become a top player. There are many levels in several sports - so you can learn a new sport, make new friends, etc…but not in golf (sorry) :golf:

Question #3: Due to COVID, all students THIS YEAR had their own room (sweet)! We hear that dorm life will return next Fall to the traditional set up with Freshman sharing a double, but 10-12th grade students getting their own dorm room.

Feel free to DM/PM me for more information.

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