Hippie Population

<p>So i know this has been asked a thousand times, and i'm visiting the campus soon, but i want others opinions.
Is the campus made up of a lot of hippies, pot smoking kids?? I am an open person but i just don't want to go to a place where it is everywhere. Like are you running into 1 kind of person everywere, or is there a great range of many kinds of kids (preps, jocks, etc??)</p>

<p>Part of what you say is true; a (relatively) significant portion of the student population smokes pot, and an even bigger portion drink on a regular basis. I don't know about the others who don't, but my roommate has recently been trying convince me to smoke marijuana (he says that since I drink, I should also smoke, because according to him, drinking is more dangerous). So far, I've held out.</p>

<p>As far as the whole hippie thing goes, there is definitely a liberal feel to the campus, but its not like Woodstock or anything. Most students here are normal enough, and generally are willing to listen to the other side.</p>

<p>You can smell those hippies from 100 yards away so youll know when theyre coming your way. And yes, there are TONS of kids who smoke pot and thats all they do all day long. As for the campus, it seriously is like going to summer camp so if youre not into that you might want to look elsewhere. The downtown bums are very 'interesting' as well if you have time to go there.</p>

<p>Marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.</p>

<p>I think you're gonna find a lot of pot smokers at whichever college you attend. At UC Davis like a quarter of my floor smokes pot from time to time.</p>