Hispanic engineer

<p>Which school has the best engineering support for hispanic students? I have a D that is interested in engineering. I would like her to attend a school that offers a lot of support to their hispanic kids. I hear it's not an easy field of study.</p>

<p>Hi azmama and welcome to CC and the Hispanic Students forum!</p>

<p>I wish I could help you more, but I’m not that familiar with engineering schools in general and less with which ones best support Hispanic students. </p>

<p>Do you have a list of schools your D is interested in, is she a current sr?</p>

<p>My only possible suggestions might be to either:</p>

<p>Look at colleges that offer special programs for URM HS students interested in science and engineering, for example, CalTech YESS, MIT Mites and CMU SAMS. Since these schools go to the effort of supporting and recruiting URMs from HS, they might also have good support once they matriculate.</p>

<p>Or look at schools that support Hispanics in general. For instance, I googled ‘best colleges for Hispanic students’ and here is a sample, they all use very different criteria:</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Magazine](<a href=“hispaniconline.com”>hispaniconline.com)</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Outlook](<a href=“Hispanic Outlook Job board”>Hispanic Outlook Job board)</p>

<p>[Top</a> 25 Colleges for Latinos](<a href=“http://i.allschoolguide.com/article/top-25-colleges-latinos]Top”>http://i.allschoolguide.com/article/top-25-colleges-latinos)</p>

<p>[Top</a> Schools for Hispanics](<a href=“http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/rankings/top_schools/]Top”>http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/rankings/top_schools/)</p>

<p>^^^This last one has a list of top engineering schools for Hispanics.</p>

<p>Hope this helps and that others will contribute their ideas and experience. The world definitely needs more Hispanic women engineers. I have been a total failure trying to convince both my Ds that this is a great career direction, but not from lack of trying! </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>My son is a ChemEng freshman at Auburn University. They have a very good URM and he is very pleased with the support that he is getting. </p>

<p>Another top notch Hispanic Program is the one at Georgia Tech. Very impressive and provide a bridge program. It was my son first choice but he got a excellent scholarship at Auburn.</p>

<p>Interesting…please tell me more.</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon. Engineering is quite a small college compared to some of the others on the list referred to above. CMU has a program, CMARC, that provides academic and social support for minority students. Women and hispanics are heavily recruited and are more likely to get merit aid. My son is URM but not engineering and says it is a surprisingly diverse campus–not just because of the large number of foreign students. Also, since there are so many kids NOT doing engineering you can escape the 24-7 engineering environment if you want which isn’t always possible at other schools. If your D has other interests–art, music, social sciences–CMU is very supportive of tech kids minoring or majoring in a second area. If I had a daughter interested in engineering it would be one of my first choices.</p>

<p>My daughter has a hispanic sur name. Her grandfather was of Mexican decent. If she does not self identify would she be considered hispanic due to her name?</p>

<p>Read post #1 on the Hispanic defined sticky thread. If you still have unanswered questions, please post them on that thread.</p>