Hispanic Female, 3.75 GPA, Low-ish Scores, Southeast schools, Fin Aid not needed but appreciated

<p>Daughter has 1170 SAT, 3.75 GPA with 2 AP courses, a few Honors, small high school, normal extracurricular, good service project, interesting life story. Wants to go to in Southeast but open a bit, Marine Sciences and Teaching. Suggestions on small to mid-size schools that would be interested in her? </p>

<p>that SAT score is very low, but GPA is good and having EC’s is good. Being a minority helps slightly because universities like diverse student bodies. you might want to try your states public university. </p>

<p>We live in Europe but are Florida residents. The big Florida schools are not of interest to her. Hoping the URM hook can help at least offset some OOS expenses. Looking for some names of schools to explore. </p>

<p>Coastal Carolina university, Alabama state, university of south florida, and university of georgia are some places that fit that criteria. What is your EFC(expected family contribution), it would give you an idea of the places you can afford without alot of debt.</p>

<p><a href=“http://marinebio.org/marinebio/careers/us-schools.asp”>http://marinebio.org/marinebio/careers/us-schools.asp&lt;/a&gt;
This link list’s a few places with marine biology(close enough to marine science?) </p>

<p>Fortunately / Unfortunately she will not qualify for any need based aid. 100% from the bank of Mom and Dad…but hoping for a bit here and there using her URM status, GPA, and?</p>

<p>Is that 1170 out of 1600 or 2400?</p>

<p>1170 out of 1600… </p>

<p>1170 is around the 70th percentile…</p>

<p>I thought hers was out of 2400(my bad) :slight_smile: </p>

<p>She’d be a great fit at Texas A&M Galveston. The main advantage of A&M Galveston over A&M Corpus Christi is that if she performed well and wanted to go to the main campus in College Station it’s a curriculum change rather than a transfer.</p>

<p>Just a quick note- my daughter had some good interactions with Mississippi State last year where they opened up their NHRP scholarship for her. She eventually chose Texas A&M. </p>

<p>I just checked and they have a non-resident scholarship for 1170 and above SAT so your daughter would qualify for in-state tuition. With a bit of web searching you can find that her SAT score will net her some OOS offset at quite a few universities.</p>

<p>Thanks! Yes, 1170 is the magic number for DD as it is. We are oddly Florida residents and she needs 1170 for bright scholars. I see 1170 at many colleges. Miss State has been on our radar as well as Eckerd in Florida for marine sciences and a few others from CTCL. </p>

<p>Daughter has had Flagler, Auburn, Maybe App State on her radar for a few years with Flagler being Moms favorite. just added UNC- Wilmington…what’s not to love about UNCW? D wants a bit bigger school coming from a smaller HS in Europe (US family at DOD school with 45% NATO international students,55% US students ) with grad class of less than 70. GPA 3.75 \ SAT CR&M about 1170 / normal EC with Varsity BB, Student Gov, some AP. We have saved / budgeted about 25k a year so a bit of FA would be nice. D talks about Marine Biology so Eckerd is on the list too. Education as a secondary. Eckerd does not have an ED major but of course has a fabulous MB program. She/We know that no school is 100% but application time is here… OPEN to any and all suggestions from the wise and helpful members of this forum!</p>

<p>DD has finally announced that AUBURN is her absolute number one choice. her 1170 (CR&M) is not enough to get full OOS waiver / non-resident scholarship. The difference is $16k for non-resident- yikes. Auburn has a big push for Hispanic students based on their Hispanic Scholar Recognition program. Soooo, trying to find some Hispanic URM funds from Auburn based on merit rather than need. I have been digging on their website without luck. Anyone have any insight as to where to look, who to talk to, or something I am missing? </p>

<p>Why doesnt she retake SAT? Or try the ACT? Maybe if she studies hard for it, and took nov. tests she could raise those scores?</p>