Hispanic or not?

Thank goodness for the compelling diversity added to the classroom by those white kids with one white Argentinian grandparent and the white kids who are 1/32 Native American.

What I would say about this is that nobody can become Hispanic because of what they do later in their life.

And I’d add that it is a shame that someone “struggles” with the decision to consider him/herself Hispanic and might the check the Hispanic box because they have Spanish friends.

“I haven’t read any of the responses”. If you can’t be bothered to read mine, I can’t be bothered to read yours.

Why do people insist on letting all the responders in the thread know that they are only there to put in their own opinion without having read the thread? It’s so narcissistic and selfish-if you’re going to be this kind of person, at least keep the fact that you think so little of our comments to yourself.

I give you an internet slap for poor manners.

There was an entire thread about this not too long ago…

@MotherOfDragons, I was responding to OP. If you think I have given bad advice then please respond for OP’s sake not mine. I didn’t mean to offend you. Thx. for sharing your concern.

Not. By a mile

@perazziman, if you had bothered to read the thread you would have seen that you weren’t adding anything new.

People who insist on commenting without adding anything new to the thread and then try and say they were responding to the OP are not fooling anyone-you just wanted to blah blah blah without regard to the other people on the thread because you like to hear yourself talk.

There is no excuse for bad internet manners this late in the game. If you wanted to speak directly to the OP without regard for the rest of us, then drop them a direct message. Otherwise, have a little more courtesy to the thread participants.

Man, I am pissy. Too many fools suffered already today.

Boy you must be new around here, motherofdragons. People repeat stuff all the time. All. the. time. It is common around here that some posters dont have the time or desire to read pages and pages of posts, but may want to respond to the OP or to the last few posts. And its fine. I’ll bet most of us here have thought to ourselves "gee I just said that very same thing that was just posted, oh about 2 pages ago and no one commented. Now someone else said the same thing and got lots of responses, and 5 “likes” "!! And you know what? It is what it is. And it’s all good. So really-- welcome to cc, but please, don’t chastise a poster if they want to participate but dont have time to read 100 posts. Your last few posts were unnecessarily condescending to whomever they were directed. And you know what? I am not going to go back and read more posts!! Your last few were quite enough! It any poster’s right to read and post as they please, within the TOS. The one who needs the poor manner internet slap is not that other poster

I’d like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that Terms of Service requires courtesy in all posts. Report a discourteous post if you are so inclined, but do not think that it is OK to respond in an uncivil manner.