Hispanic Students - Class of 2017 Discussion Thread

<p>I also want to thank this forum for all the information I have received over the past couple of years. Thanks to you I learned about NHRP and my son was able to take advantage of this program. He was awarded a full tuition scholarship to Fordham and was admitted to Georgetown, Boston College and Villanova EA. Still waiting on some Ivies. I am very pleased with all of his options. Once again, thanks for all your help.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that CC has been helpful, and that your son has so many wonderful choices! Best of luck to him and to all the members of the Class of 2013 with spring decisions!</p>

<p>Hi itsv, thanks for your help and everyone else out. Son will definitely notify colleges that he is a finalist. I also have another question. His grades slipped a little this last marking period - He missed 12 days of school due to illness (mono), broke his writing hand in wrestling practice, and then suffered a concussion while wrestling. The school did allow him to catch up on all missed work and he was allowed extra time for Mid-terms due to his concussion. With all that said, do you think it is a good idea to have his guidance counselor send a letter explaining his slip in grades and why? He got 2 A’s, 5 - B+, 1 - C; all classes are AP classes (except phys ed). Thanks again for everyone’s help.</p>

<p>Yes I would have counselor write a letter and if counselor will not do it then you should. It clearly explains why there was a grade slip. Plus last year my DD had a concussion and the effects were felt much longer than we thought and had an impact on school work. </p>

<p>Sorry for the tough year.</p>

<p>Way to go, omzac and 2collegesplus1!!</p>

<p>Yes, itsv’s advice is great. One C with mono is still very impressive and colleges will understand.</p>

<p>I am sure, itsv, that the concussion brought on much more than you thought. My dh had a brain injury 14 years ago and it took him a long time (as in years) to mostly fully recover.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone. Just thought I’d check in.</p>

<p>Ds is in at his in-state safety with, thus far, $27K in scholarships over four years. Still waiting on FA.</p>

<p>He is in at his EA “dream” school, Georgetown. Once he got in there, I told him I’d drop at least a couple of his school apps, but he didn’t want to. I think he took to heart the talks about comparing FA offers. Truthfully, only his Ivy app would likely get him to turn down G’town, but we haven’t visited either so I can’t say he’s 100% committed just yet.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>The past week has been great for me! I got $100k from UMiami on Saturday (with chance for full tuition scholarship), was notified of NMF status, and was accepted to Vanderbilt today for their MOSAIC weekend! That’s 3/3 for me, so far.</p>

<p>I hope everyone else is doing well!</p>

<p>sbjdolro: I agree about the concussion. My dd was playing quarterback in the powder puff football game and the players started tackling and she hit her head twice on the turf. She had played two years of flag football with the boys so when she got hurt she said “I played two years with boys and never got hurt and I play 20 minutes with girls and end up at the hospital.” This year I got the refs and told them I would come after them if they did not call the game closer. The result this is year is that no one got hurt. </p>

<p>You don’t say: Congrats on the safety. It sounds like your son is being smart since it is good to keep all options open. You just never know what kind of FA will really be coming from a school. </p>

<p>ryry123: Congrats on UMiami-that sounds like a great scholarship. You will love Vanderbilt. It was one of my favorite colleges and I was so sad when my DS was not accepted by Vandy (I think I took it harder than he did). They have a great campus for freshmen; wonderful dorms and food. If you have a chance to go to downtown Nashville be sure to get BBQ at Jack’s which is located next to the famous saloon near the Old Oprey. Also Vandy has a small scholarship for National Hispanic Scholar that isn’t really posted any where so ask them if it is still available. </p>

<p>Ryry123-How is your robot building coming along? Will it be able to climb the pyramid. My DD is at school round the clock working on her team’s robot. They have a great shooter and are working on the climbing part now. Tuesday is bag and tag and then at 6 a.m on Weds we leave to visit colleges in the Northwest.</p>


<p>A woman in my church had played volleyball for many years and got just a “routine” hit on the head. She suffered for many long months from that-dizzy spells, pain, etc. It all looked “normal” but she suspects undiagnosed bleeding.</p>

<p>Youdontsay and ryry,</p>

<p>Congratulations!! It’s so fun reading all the good news.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt is a great school for financial aid. That was the most generous of the schools on my son’s list.</p>


<p>I used to do FIRST, but now I do VEX. It’s a competition with smaller robots and different games, which is better for private teams without loads of money (like us). Here’s a link to the game this year: [Sack</a> Attack - VEX Wiki](<a href=“http://www.vexforum.com/wiki/index.php/Sack_Attack]Sack”>http://www.vexforum.com/wiki/index.php/Sack_Attack)</p>

<p>As far as success goes, we’re doing well this year. We won our first two tournaments, qualifying us for the World Championships, and we have the WA State and British Columbia championships coming up next month. I hope your daughter’s team is able to go to the World Festival, she might be able to meet some students at my school who do FRC.</p>

<p>sbjdorlo, Thanks! I’m excited about it.</p>

<p>I wanted to share that son was accepted to Vanderbilt and UC Berkeley (w/Regents invite).</p>

<p>Oh, yay!!! That is so awesome, bublubu!!</p>

<p>So now my sons SAT went up from 1980 to 2200 on jan 26; cr720, m710, w770. He worked very hard for this and ranking 6/399 with a 101 gpa he is now in the 50% mix for ivy league!</p>

<p>@Yolie Congrats to your son on such an improvement!</p>

<p>Yolie, that’s great!</p>

<p>Waiting til April for all decisions to come out</p>

<p>That’s great Yolie!!! :)</p>

<p>Thanks Bublubu, Youdon’tsay and smileygirl…will post more when results come through!</p>

<p>Hi everyone, Just an update. My DS was accepted into TCNJ Honors Program with the “Chairman of the Board” scholarship of $48,000 over 4 years. Was accepted into Fordham waiting on NHRP Scholarship to arrive in the mail. So it’s 4 acceptances with Scholarships, 1 Deferred to Reg. Decision, and waiting on 4 more schools (2 Ivy’s). He’s very excited about all his possibilities. Thank you to everyone for helping us out. Especially with the NHRP information. If only we had known about it when our older son (now a sophomore in college) was still in high school. We are certainly take great care with our youngest (a freshman in high school). We had no idea of the possibilities with NHRP. Thanks to all again. Will keep you posted on the other 4 schools.</p>

<p>My son, accepted to Cornell ILR today. Very excited!</p>