Hispanic Students - Class of 2017 Discussion Thread

<p>Congrats on the latest round of good news.</p>

<p>Congrats Yolie!!!</p>

<p>Recently received admissions to WUSTL and was the recipient of an Early Write from Swarthmore. Not looking forward to tomorrow for University of Chicago though; 9% acceptance rate?!</p>

<p>Just an update (in case anyone’s curious…): accepted to UC Davis, University of Washington, Duke (likely letter w/LSRW), Northwestern, Rice, and UCLA. Still waiting for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Berkeley. April’s going to be a tough month for me…</p>

<p>Ryry123- Congrats on all your acceptances. Many of my students did not get into the UC’s and they had high gpas and test scores as well as EC’s. I think this was the year of the OOS for UC’s. You are right; you are going to have a tough month deciding-but isn’t that a nice problem to have. :)</p>

<p>Congrats to firstgen. WUSTL is a great school!</p>

<p>@itsv: Thank you, I wasn’t expecting to get in to be honest.</p>

<p>Also admitted to U Chicago, Duke (LSRW), Cornell (Diversity email for AEM), and Macaulay Honors Hunter. Have a few more coming in - very excited.</p>

<p>Congratulations, ryry and firstgenn!! These are amazing acceptance stats!</p>

<p>itsv, I have a question for you. Did your kids ever get likelies? What do they say? How/when do they come? </p>

<p>Even though my son got into every school to which he applied, he never got a likely. I know when he was accepted into MIT’s WISE program in the fall of senior year, the note said something to the effect that you’re the kind of student we want at MIT, but that’s not really a likely.</p>

<p>Just wonder why some students get them and some don’t.</p>

<p>My son got into Rice University today. We’re very proud of him. However, the financial aid package was really low. This takes Rice out of the running. Now we’re just wanting to see the financial aid package from Notre Dame. We don’t hold out much hope for the necessary aid for him to attend though. Thank God for the National Hispanic Scholar scholarship from University of Arizona. Thank you to all those who put so much effort into this forum. Without you we wouldn’t have known about the NHRP or how generous University of Arizona is.</p>

<p>Congratulations, LasVegasMom! I grew up in Tucson and I can tell you, it’s a really beautiful city surrounded by four mountain ranges. U of A is known for its med school. Is that an area of interest to your son? Also, you can file appeals on the f. aid packages. It can’t hurt.</p>


<p>The young lady I helped got into UCLA’s art department! They are ecstatic! Her SAT was not great-1730- and she took no SAT IIs. Her uw gpa was very high, about 3.9, and her art portfolio and art ECs (along with sports and other ECs), plus her “story” (they lost their house in a fire two years ago), all added up to admittance from almost 100,000 applicants.</p>

<p>I’m very happy for her! She’s still waiting on USC.</p>

<p>So happy I found this thread!! :)</p>

I think I’m going to contact Rice on Monday. I have a feeling they input the home equity on our house wrong. We are upside down on our house as are 51% of the homeowners in Las Vegas. I think they may have input it as positive equity instead of negative equity. No harm trying. All they can tell me is no.<br>
As far as my son being interested in medicine, that is completely out. He is a germ freak and doesn’t like blood :frowning: However, he does love lasers. U of A has the #1 Optical Sciences and Engineering program in the Country. If he ends up going there, he will have a bright future.</p>

<p>Oh my gosh, LasVegasMom, you totally described my oldest son!! He is so squeamish, he couldn’t even be in the same room as my middle son when he was doing virtual dissections! LOL</p>

<p>Yes! U of A is <em>the</em> place (besides U Rochester) for optics! My father was in that field in the 1960s-1980s. Wonderful field! Funny that my oldest did optics research during high school, too. :-)</p>

<p>Definitely call Rice and find out more about the financial aid. You may be onto something; mistakes happen, for sure.</p>

<p>Hey guys! I just figured I’d contribute where I’ve gotten in so far as well. I’m currently 14/15 and waiting on 7. Accepted to Iowa State (full ride), Northern Arizona, UT Austin, Fordham (semifinalist scholarship due to being a national Hispanic scholar), Hofstra (presidential scholarship), Arizona State, (same as Fordham), Mills College (Presidential Scholarship), Tulane (distinction scholarship) Williams (early write), Wesleyan (early write), Wellesley, Northwestern, Northeastern (same as Fordham and with honors program), and Duke (likely with LSRW). </p>

<p>I was wait listed at UChicago and am waiting on Barnard, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton and USC.</p>

<p>Sbjdorlo: In 2009-2010 there were not a lot of colleges who gave out likely letters. My son never received such a letter and I did not know of any other top students who received one. Fast forward to today-I reviewed a lot of acceptances lately and it seems that many colleges are giving out these likely letters. I assume with the battle for students with high gpas and test scores this is a new strategy by colleges to get those students to wait for their decisions from those colleges. Just at looking for this year’s hispanic acceptances, it seems the top students received between 2-4 likely letters from a variety of colleges (even small LACs). I would appreciate it if some of the class of 2013 could pm me a screen shot of their letter so I can see what they look like. It would help me in advising my students. </p>

<p>Lasvegasmom and avalde4 congrats on your acceptances. This appears to be a very good year for Hispanic students in the world of college acceptances.</p>


<p>I agree it would be helpful to see what these likely letters say since I’ve never seen one.</p>

<p>Avalde, I think you get the award for most schools applied to! LOL I can’t even imagine my son applying to 22 colleges! Congratulations on all the acceptances! You will have some tough decisions, I’m sure. :-)</p>

<p>We received an interesting letter from West Point today.
It said you are the kind of student we are looking for you are invited to apply.
They have a online application ready with a special code.
Kind of strange.</p>

<p>Lots of great news here!</p>

<p>LVMOM, it doesn’t hurt to call Rice. I’ve always thought of them as good with FA, though in the past couple of months I’ve heard reports to the contrary.</p>

<p>Update on ds: In at Georgetown, American, GW, Claremont McKenna (best FA package so far, in case people are looking) and in-state safety. WL’d at Rice. Waiting on two more this week.</p>

<p>@itsv would you also want us to post pics of early writes?</p>

<p>@sbjdorlo haha thank you! Idk I was just so nervous I wouldn’t get in anywhere. It feels so worth it now though and I really couldn’t have imagined doing it any other way haha. Lol and I actually know one guy from Cali who applied to 23 schools.</p>

<p>Oh and to edit my earlier post, I was only given full tuition at Iowa State and received 15k/yr for ut Austin!</p>

<p>Avalde4- yes if you could pm the early writes or likely letters that would be great. Just to protect your privacy please be sure to black out your name and address. </p>

<p>You don’t say=congrats on all those acceptances. CMC is great at meeting 100% of need. I have a low-income Latino student looking at it this week since it is one of the few in So Cal that meets 100% of need. </p>

<p>Was the Gtown during regular decision?</p>