Hispanic Students Class of 2018-Diversity Fly-In List

<p>Since we are starting the Class of 2018 discussion I thought I would start a thread for diversity fly-ins for this class. Early lists on CC are good but there may be a need for some updating. Since my DD got her first diversity fly-in and it is directed at Juniors I thought this thread would be a good place to share this information. </p>

<p>If you or your student receives a diversity fly-in offer or application please post the information and any relevant links here in this thread. Thank You. </p>

<p>Bates College "Preface to Bates Program for Juniors"- Admission</a> | Bates College</p>

<p>For those wanting to pursue fly in opportunities, see the links here (check websites/email/call for current information as the threads have not been updated):</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/646134-resources-hispanic-students-start-here.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/646134-resources-hispanic-students-start-here.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My second son - class of 2018 - has not received the NHRP application form through his school yet. I confirmed that he is on the list (emailed NHRP) and they told me who at his school would receive the form. check - just waiting.
As far as diversity weekends for the fall:
Does he need to contact the schools that offer these opportunities directly? Will the offers arrive due to NRHP status?<br>
He is interested in Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Brown, Penn, Michigan, MIT, and Wash U.
I know MIT sends out invitations for WISE, but I am not sure about the others. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance and I will most certainly post as he receives mailings/invites.</p>

<p>Sunnyone-I will try to answer your questions as best as I can:</p>

<li><p>What triggers an invitation to a diversity fly-in is best answered by the college. Some invitations may be due to NHRP; others may be because of a self-reported gpa. I don’t know specifically but in the 4 years or so I have been involved in college admissions it really can vary. I know years ago my son received one for Cornell while another Latino student at his high school with better grades did not. The major the student wants to study and the activities they are involved with may be another factor. </p></li>
<li><p>I think that it could not hurt to inquire about diversity fly-ins with the respective college. You just want to be polite about it and not demanding. A simple "My DS is really interested in your college and is a National Hispanic Scholar. Do you have any multi-cultural hosted weekends or fly-in programs? How does one get invited to them? is the extent I would go for an inquiry. </p></li>

<p>I will say this- at the college my son attends he was not originally invited to his school’s diversity fly-in. I noticed the program in a newsletter from the colleges Office of Minority Affairs. I called and they had me send his test scores and transcript. They called back and apologized saying he must have fallen through the cracks. They sent him out an invitation and paid for his trip entirely and in fact offered to pay for a second visit after he had been admitted. </p>

<p>Vanderbilt has Mosaic which is invite only after you receive a likely letter or admission to the school. MIT has invited WISE. I don’t know about the other schools. Check the list put out by [Get</a> Me To College - Your College Preparation Information Portal](<a href=“http://www.getmetocollege.org%5DGet”>http://www.getmetocollege.org) to see if they are listed. </p>

<p>My dd also received one to Missouri Science and Tech which I suspect she received because she wants to be an engineer. </p>

<p>2.There is no application form for NHRP-it is simply a verification form. My DD’s counselor and school are excellent and I have a meeting with her on Thursday. I will ask her when she expects to get the verification form. </p>

<p>Do not stress out too much about diversity fly-ins. There are different criteria for each one. My son attended two of them but got many more invites than just those two. He wasn’t interested in those other schools so he didn’t attend. </p>

<p>What surprised me most about the Bates invite is that was for juniors during their junior year. I don’t recall getting any previous junior ones for my son. </p>

<p>Finally just to let you know; many of the schools you listed had the lowest acceptance rate ever this year. Be sure your son has many “loves” on his list that are more attainable. </p>

<p>Good luck and please post any invites your son may receive.</p>

<p>I did some quick research and here are just a few more listings. [2012</a> Diversity Fly-In Visit Program List: Seniors to Visit This Fall!](<a href=“http://www.college-path.com/2011-diversity-flyin-list-colleges-pay-seniors-visit-fall/]2012”>http://www.college-path.com/2011-diversity-flyin-list-colleges-pay-seniors-visit-fall/)</p>

<p>The other thing to be aware of is that some colleges may hold special diversity visit program. These program may not pay for your travel but have a special day/weekend for students from multicultural backgrounds to visit the school with similar students. This one from University of Colorado is one example. [CU-Boulder</a> Diversity Sampler | Undergraduate Admissions | CU-Boulder](<a href=“http://www.colorado.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visit/diversitysampler]CU-Boulder”>http://www.colorado.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visit/diversitysampler) Another example is Mount Holyoke. <a href=“https://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/visit/diversity[/url]”>https://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/visit/diversity&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Another component of diversity fly-ins may kick in once a student is admitted. The college may have a program to pay for admitted Latino students to visit the college before they decide which college to attend. Pitzer’s program is one such example.
[Frequently</a> Asked Questions, Diversity Progam at Pitzer College](<a href=“http://www.pitzer.edu/admission/diversity/faq.asp]Frequently”>http://www.pitzer.edu/admission/diversity/faq.asp)</p>

<p>This entry had so info about who gets an invite so I thought you might find it useful.
[College</a> diversity fly-in programs for 2011 | Cost of College](<a href=“http://costofcollege.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2011/09/21/college-diversity-fly-ins-list/]College”>College diversity fly-in programs for 2011 | Cost of College)</p>

<p>Rice University offers SOAR in fall of senior year by invitation only. Plane tickets were covered with no questions asked, and my daughter spent two nights in the dorms. She was NHRP, so maybe that is what triggered the invitation.</p>

<p>^Glad to hear they have a sr year program now. I don’t know if they still have it, but there only used to be Rice Vision, and it was in Feb, just a little before RD decisions came out.</p>

<p>I honestly don’t remember if my son got invitations to his two fly outs. I thought the MIT WISE program was through an application process, as in, anyone could apply for it and you didn’t need to get invited. </p>

<p>My son also did the Lehigh one. Well, yeah I guess I remember him getting a number of invites but those were the only two he went on and he didn’t really like Lehigh so he never applied.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, he applied to Harvey Mudd’s (called FAST, I believe) in the spring of his junior year and was accepted but ended up not being able to go. Then he reapplied for fall and wasn’t accepted-ha ha- but he did get into the school.</p>

<p>My D (spring of junior year) has received paid fly-in offers (mostly based on an application, i.e not guaranteed acceptance) from

  • Bates
  • Harvey Mudd
  • Wellesley (simple application)
  • Dartmouth (fairly demanding application)
  • U Pittsburgh (hotel + travel stipend)</p>

<p>(she will not be applying for any of these)</p>

<p>So far, my son recieved emails inviting him to apply for the diversity weekends from:
Swarthmore (Discover Swarthmore)
Williams (Windows in Williams)</p>

<p>sbjdorlo is correct: The MIT WISE program is now an application process. I think in Fall 2010 it was by invite. </p>

<p>Other’s by application:

<p>Wash U in St. Louis will send a save the date postcard (soon) and an invite in August.</p>

<p>Will post when I see more!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how student’s are invited to or notified of Brown University’s Student of Color Open House?</p>

<p>Hello, I am searching for any admitted WISE students. If you got into WISE (specifically the September one) please answer back at this thread.</p>

<p>Miami University of Ohio - Bridges Program
4 overnight opportunities
<a href=“http://www”>www</a>. MiamiOH.edu/bridges</p>

<p>Sept wise admit here…</p>

<p>Some recent info here:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/735291-colleges-offering-scholarships-national-hispanic-scholars-12.html#post16350510[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/735291-colleges-offering-scholarships-national-hispanic-scholars-12.html#post16350510&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I visited Dennison on Monday and met with the minority recruiter. I have not seen Dennison on any diversity fly-in list before so I want to share what I learned. Dennison has a diversity fly-in where they will pay up to $500 airfare for a student to visit anytime between Oct through Dec. Student can plan during an event weekend or use it at another time. The person at Dennison whose last name is Gibson sends the counselor a nomination form. The counselor can nominate up to two students and needs to only submit a transcript and have a 3.3 gpa. Dennison then follows up with the student. The program is called “Air Dennison”. They asked that I not post the link publicly since there is a limit on nomination. The kicker is that nominations have to be in by Sept. 16 so if you are interested in Dennison have your counselor call asap and submit the nomination form.</p>

<p>^Glad to see they’re still doing Air Denison, D2 was invited in 2010:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation-6.html#post11183149[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation-6.html#post11183149&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;