
<p>I know this question is asked a lot but even after reading everything I'm still very confused. By checking the "yes" box on the common application for Hispanic/Latino it makes me an URM I believe which definitely helps for top schools like Columbia. My great grandmother lived in Mexico and was 50% Hispanic making me 1/16 I believe. Does 1/16 qualify me as Hispanic? How do colleges determine wether or not I'm telling the truth about ethnicity? I could back it by documentation but it's not worth the risk if they automatically deny on the premise that I'm not telling the truth. Also my school has me down for no ethnicity so I'm not sure if that will show on my transcript but I'm sure I could show them documentation to make them change it. Finally I'm not calling myself Hispanic just to try to get the upper leg on admissions, I'm basically a mut (I think I'm 3/16 Irish which is the most of any) and out of all them I most closely identify myself with the Hispanic ethnicity because I'm sort of active in the local Hispanic community and feel at home there. So basically should I check "yes" on the Hispanic/Latino box?</p>

<p>It doesn’t sound like you read the Definition sticky thread at the top of this forum, please do so. </p>

<p>Also go to the Resources sticky thread and read the section on Hispanic applicants and college admissions. </p>