HIstory and English HL necessary for law?

<p>So guys I had planned to major in economics or PPE and then go to law school in the US but recently I have also started considering UK universities for law. I am worried because I neither have History HL nor Eng HL. Is it true that these subjects are compulsory for admission to UK Law school?</p>

<p>To answer your question, no english and history at higher level are not compulsory to study at British universities. If you’d looked at a couple of unis entry requirement you’d have come across the fact that there are no subject requirements for law courses in the UK. That being said, essay based subjects at higher level are favoured as they help you develop the skills required to study law at uni. Therefore, I recommend you pull up English to higher level or to drop one of your higher level subjects and take history to help yourself out. This, of course, isn’t necessary and any subject combination (although it shouldn’t consist of any/few soft subjects as law is a very competitive course) will do. </p>

<p>On a side note: Isn’t PPE a course that is only offered at a select few UK universities? Highly doubt it’s offered at any American university although you’d be able to double/minor (e.g double in economics and political science, major in economics and minor in philosophy etc)</p>

<p>Hope I helped! </p>

<p>Thanks a lot. Yes PPE is offered in many US Unis like carnigie mellon, duke, yale, penn and many more.</p>