History classes?

<p>What exactly do you do in History class? I know in Highschool all we did was multiple choice tests, but I'm hearing in college the classes are a lot different. Can someone tell me what you do a lot in those classes and which class they found the most enjoyable/less intensive? I always made high grades in History but I keep hearing it's really hard in college. ^^ Thanks for the info!!!</p>

<p>Depends on the prof. You might be able to find their syllabus online on the utexas website to get a better idea… or go to ratemyprof or here for comments on specific courses/profs: <a href=“https://diia.webhost.utexas.edu/cis/results/[/url]”>https://diia.webhost.utexas.edu/cis/results/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;