Hitler had Asian friends, therefore he wasn't racist

<p>This cannot be disputed. See, Hitler was allied with the Japanese, he even called them the "honourary white people". This simple fact proves that Hitler was not racist.</p>

<p>What is the point of this? It's just me showing how ridiculous you look when you make statements to the effect of, "I'm not racist, I have many ______ friends!"</p>

<p>I implore everyone that has ever used this statement to stop now.</p>

<p>Being racist simply means that one thinks that different races have different capabilities, right? So if someone thinks that West Africans are faster in sprints than Europeans that would mean they are a racist right?</p>

<p>I don't think so.</p>

<p>Studies have shown that whites and asians score better on tests, and blacks are better athletically.</p>

<p>Obviously this isn't true for everyone.</p>

<p>What a load of crap. Give it a couple of generations and soon Asian-Americans will be just as dumb as everyone else in the American public school system.</p>

<p>Are there more Black jews or Asian jews? Just a thought.</p>

<p>Being racist means you feel that your race is superior in stature than another race. Hitler, in that case was very much a racist because he felt white's were superior to all other races. He may have called the japanese his friends and allies, same with the Italians, but ultimately he concurred with white superioriority. Hitler's goal was to conquer the entire world...he would have ended up screwing over Japan and Italy because he certainly wasn't in the mood to share power. </p>

<p>ANd saying African runners are faster than europeans isn't racist at all: you're not saying Africans are a superior race overall.</p>

<p>That's a good question, I wouldl have to say more Asian Jews.</p>

ANd saying African runners are faster than europeans isn't racist at all: you're not saying Africans are a superior race overall.

They are simply superior at running? That's a very thin line you are treading.</p>

<p>edit: Changed some wording.</p>

<p>Yes. In my mind at least, that certainly doesn't make them superior overall.</p>

<p>But one can then deduce that being superior at certain things could superior overall. A very thin line.</p>

<p>Exactly. I agree with you on that. That's why racism is a very sketchy term, and many times is applied when it shouldn't be, or isn't applied when it makes logical sense to. It's tough.</p>

Being racist simply means that one thinks that different races have different capabilities, right? So if someone thinks that West Africans are faster in sprints than Europeans that would mean they are a racist right?


<p>That's not a racist thought, but many people have trouble seeing West Africans as something more than fast runners. Therein lies the racism.</p>

That's not a racist thought, but many people have trouble seeing West Africans as something more than fast runners. Therein lies the racism.


<p>I do not believe that is under the term 'racist' either. Just because they are known for being fast, doesn't make a racist remark. Again, it is stereotypical, but not racist. </p>

<p>Racist would be "Those darn West Africans, all they're good at is running, nothing more"</p>

<p>I would say that is racist... (of course that is not my true view :) )</p>

<p>I once had a conversation with a young skinhead, and he believed that the Japanese were "the whites of the Orient." He said that they were the sole non-white race that the white power movement held in high regard.</p>

<p>Really? That's weird...and creepy.</p>

That's not a racist thought, but many people have trouble seeing West Africans as something more than fast runners. Therein lies the racism.

I fail to see the difference.</p>

I fail to see the difference.


<p>You fail to see the difference between "You know, it's a fact that West Africans are the best sprinters in the world" and "All those dumb niggaz can do is run like animals"?</p>

<p>West Africans are genetically predisposed to be faster sprinters than other 'races' (on average).</p>

<p>Do you think that is a racist statement? That seems like the exact definition of racism.</p>

<p>I see what you mean Mr Payne, and I guess I don't have a great answer. Again, it's a blurry definition.</p>

West Africans are genetically predisposed to be faster sprinters than other 'races' (on average).</p>

<p>Do you think that is a racist statement? That seems like the exact definition of racism.


<p>There are six billion human beings who live all over the world. There are bound of be differences amongst them, just like how you and your siblings can differ in many ways. However, racists will take those differences, insitutionalize them, and try and make broad generalizations that ultimately favour their race the most. And just because one person has dark skin and another has light skin, does that necessarily constitute race? How about we look at the ENORMOUS similarities before pouncing on the relatively negligible differences? So what if West Africans are faster? Humans in general are slow compared to most animals. Our whole race is slow.</p>