Hofstra worth it? If i do parent loan?

and MCAT 519 is a very high hurdle


I think thatā€™s the average admitted MCAT score. This is what they say about MCAT needed if you are in the BS/MD program:

ā€œA minimum Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score equivalent to the 80th percentile at the first sitting must be achieved and submitted by January of the medical school application cycle.ā€

I think 80th percentile would be around 509, or something close to that.

ok, more reasonable academically -
but still Hofstra is not an option for this candidate since the family would need to take on a loan that would cripple their finances (as well as the other childrenā€™s if there are any).
There has to be better choices - ie., affordable without a parental loan and if possible without a student loan.


Your C doesnā€™t need to go to an expensive private school or OOS public flagship to be a credible candidate for med school admission.

Successful med school applicants can and do come from all sorts of undergradsā€“tiny rural LACs, directional state Us, never-heard-of-it regional colleges. For pre-meds, the #1 rule is donā€™t go into debt for undergrad.

(A med student can turned down for GradPlus loans if they carry excessive debt. And the maximum a med student can borrow thru federal direct loans is $40K/yearā€“which isnā€™t enough to pay the tuition & fees at Zucker much less living expenses. Where is a young person without any assets going to find a lender without any collateral or a credit-worthy co-signer?)

BTW, getting a residency is Northwell is not guaranteed by attending Hofstra. The National Residency match is done by a computer algorithm that using a dual-sided rank system designed Nobel Prize winner in economics. Matching at Northwell requires both the applicant AND the individual residency program to select each other as their top choice. How likely is that?


THIS! And if the student only ranks those programsā€¦that could be problematic. There are some excellent YouTube videos about how the residency rank order list and match actually happen. I would urge you to watch themā€¦because nothing is a guarantee.

But we are getting off topic.

The OP to this thread will be taking out staggering debt for undergrad school. I personally donā€™t think itā€™s smart to know up front that a student will have $500,000 or more in debt when done with undergrad and medical school. Thatā€™s a LOT of debt.


@ConcernedMom01 : how much can your family afford WITHOUT parental loans?
Has your child been admitted to a college within budget yet?

A few solid colleges are still accepting applications (deadline today or soon, if the commonapp is ready most donā€™t have supplemental essays or just a couple questions) - those below are stronger than Hofstra academically, would offer great premed preparation&support, and most have good financial aid (run the NPC for each).

Deadline today:
Washington College, MD
Marist College, NY
Wooster, OH
Xavier, OH
Allegheny, PA
Muhlenberg, PA
Ursinus, PA
Lawrence, WI

Deadline March 1
Illinois Wesleyan IL
Luther, IA
UMaine Orono (will match in-state tuition in many cases)
Gustavus Adolphus, MN



ā€œA minimum Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score equivalent to the 80th percentile at the first sitting must be achieved and submitted by January of the medical school application cycle.ā€

Current 80th percentile is 511ā€“which the median score for accepted med school applicants nationally.

See Table A-23: 60% of med school applicants with the stats required to advance to the MD portion of Hofstraā€™s 4+4 get accepted to med school.

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@ConcernedMom01 @Sophie36

Please please check what is required by Hofstra to progress to the MD portion of this programā€¦and clearly understand what your kids will need to do to progress. Things likeā€¦minimum MCAT score, GPA requirements (per term even), interview requirements.

Itā€™s not automaticā€¦

I would also want to know what %age of students continue on to the MD portion of the programā€¦and if there is attrition, why.


According to @WayOutWestMom above,

not 60% of all freshmen in the program (already from ā€œautomaticā€) but 60% with the stats required, so odds in that program are likely the same as at about any college with decent support (I think Juniata does better, for instance; Shankweiler scholars* at Muhlenberg do betterā€¦) 60% with the stats required is really not that good.

*About the Shankweiler Scholars Honors Program | Muhlenberg College

I donā€™t know if OPā€™s kid has even been admitted or not. So, might be a speculative discussion at the moment.