HOLY CRAP how much does brandeis COST?

<p>Tuition $37,500 ??!?!?!?!?!
Room and board $9,050</p>

<p>Thats sounds really high to me aren’t most unis including harvard about 30k a year?</p>

<p>that must be wrong I expected it to be 30k…</p>

<p>These top schools and others all cost about the same</p>

<p>37k is the most ive ever seen</p>

<p>haha you think 37k is a lot? thats what FAFSA is for!</p>

<p>top schools are always pricey. when you're looking at education you cant look at prices really... scholarships and fafsa will cover it if you need it.</p>

<p>Wait, how highly is Brandeis ranked among the top schools nationally? I mean I could understand a school like Harvard being 43 grand a year because of the name that comes along with it, but why must Brandeis be so expensive? Is there something that I am missing?
And along those lines why is George Washington University near 50k a year?</p>

<p>Brandeis- 34th (US news ranking)</p>

<p>Brandeis is 37k a yea w/ is about 5-6k more than harvard</p>

<p>w/ room and board thats 47k</p>

<p>GW costs WAYYY too much for what you get</p>

<p>if you cant take the heat... get out of the kitchen.</p>

<p>once again there are loans, finacial aid, scholarships, lottery tickets, jobs... you cannnnn't put a price on a good education!</p>

<p>I don't know where you're getting your information but the Brandeis website says tuition is $31000, which does make it very similar to other top schools. <a href="http://www.brandeis.edu/admissions/applying/financial.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.brandeis.edu/admissions/applying/financial.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>