Home Studies/ High school UC question

<p>Hi There everyone,
I have a question regarding my chances for admission at a uc I was put on home studies (Through a school district) because of some issues I was going through for my junior year ( 1 year only). I was just told that my chances of getting into a UC are minimal because of this, and am now worried about not getting admitted into the university i worked so hard for during my 9th and 10th grade years in actual high school. As of right now i have a 4.3 weighted gpa and 3.8 unweighted accumulative gpa for 9th,10th and 11th with some extra-curriculars, some volunteering etc... And above average SAT not SUPER impressive but i feel i did pretty well. Now I have heard that most ucs dont look twice at home schooled students, but what are your guys' opinion since I only did home studies for 1 year and regular high school for the rest? Will any ucs other than riverside admit me? Should i start looking toward Community College (Really didnt want to)?</p>

<p>Thank you guys your helpful opinions are welcome. </p>