Honestly, how much free time do you have in college?...especially if your a bio major

<p>This is funny.</p>

<p>if this thread is representative of the typical students at ucsd then i'm dropping out within the first month who's with me</p>

<p>Seriously, everyone needs to chill. School hasn't even started yet, enjoy your summer and don't be a grammar nazi.</p>

<p>Tien, your stupid. OMGZORZ I USED "YOUR"?!?!? OH, the HUMANITY!!!</p>

<p>? (10 char)</p>

<p>tien is utterly lost and doesn't know it</p>

<p>and HAHAHAHAHHA YEAAAAA GO MCLOVIN (esp. after watching superbad)</p>

<p>^Fantastic 4, by far, was a much worse movie. In fact, it was terrible.</p>

<p>Yeah I know I was lost, but now I see what the reference was.</p>