What do you do with your free time?

<p>I'm going to college soon and was wondering if some peopl could answer a few of these questions, whether you are in college or have been in college:</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?
2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?
3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?
4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?
5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?</p>

<p>If all these questions could be answered I thank you in advanced.</p>

<p>Well, you have to realize that the answer to all of your questions is going to vary based on the type of student you are. Also, how hard your course load is and what you are studying. You could be a genius and never study to get all As. College is different from high school in the fact that you have significantly less day-to-day assignments are more things long term. Same with classes. So your first and second questions are difficult to answer.</p>

<p>Not to mention in depends on your school. You could go to UChicago and never stop studying, go to a school where you do no work and party all the time, or go to a work-hard-play-hard and do both.</p>

<p>1) I have 5 classes. Two of them combined I spend around 2 or two each week (a requirement and another BS class which I do virtually no work for.) The other three give me at least 16 hours a week of work. This is assuming I have no tests, (which never happens). I had an assignment this week for one class that took me 17+ hours to do, and another that took me 6. But I did both of them in 2 days so it wasn’t spread out. </p>

<p>2) Between an hour and forty minutes to 3.5 hours a day for four of the days, but only one class on Friday. </p>

<p>3) With my free time I relax, watch tv, and spend time with friends and gf. Party on weekends. What is considered a weekend by college kids is pretty loose. My definition is Friday through Sunday. This may include Thursday for some.</p>

<p>4) I don’t do any clubs, none really interest me. </p>

<p>5) Absolutely. Most people I know don’t do homework on Friday. They might do work on Saturday depending on what they having coming up. However, everyone studies on Sunday.</p>

<p>It all depends on which classes you take, what college you attend, and how busy you choose to make yourself. You can take 12 hours of easy classes and not involve yourself in anything, then have all the free time in the world, or you can take 20 hours of challenging classes, involve yourself in clubs and sports, and then cry because you were at a chemistry review session while Obama was being elected president.</p>

<p>lol Obama rules!.. bump… anyone else? I know the answers vary from student-to-student but I’m just trying to get the idea of a college life of a student.</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?
Uh well, depends on your definition of free time (see #4). After about 6-7pm during the week, M-Th, I have “free time” where I am just at home not doing anything, which is interspersed with study/reading time. Like, I’ll read for an hour then take an hour break to just watch youtube or check my email or like come on here or something). Then do homework for another hour. Or something. </p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?
2 hours Mon, 3 Wed, 1 Fri, 4 Tues and Thurs (14 credit hours total)</p>

<p>3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?
Typically not much. chillaxing, I like to call it. watching youtube, reading, perusing websites, etc.</p>

<p>4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?
This gets back to q1. I don’t really consider my time spent with school activities to be “free time” because I’m always busy during them lol. One of my organizations requires that I do 4 office hours a week as an officer (I usually do more), plus 2 hours of meetings. The purpose of the org. is to put on campus events, and sometimes all the officers are required to be at these events. One of our big events is coming up tomorrow (carnival-type thing) and I will have to be there from 1pm for setup until after the event is over at midnight to take down.
Another organization I’m secretary for has meetings only twice a month (usually about 45 min each time). All I do for that one is take the minutes and email them to people. </p>

<p>5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?
I usually have free time all day Saturday. Sunday is the day I spend on homework and such during the weekends. I also don’t do any work on Friday nights.</p>

<p>You’re right that it varies a lot, but here are my answers. I hope they help.</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?
If this also excludes time I spend taking care of my family, I’d say about 4 hours on weekdays.</p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?
I’m in class a total of 12 hours a week. Just 2 hours everyday except Wed., which has 6 hours of class. No classes Fri.</p>

<p>3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?
Try to relax (doesn’t always work). I hang out with my friends and family. My friends and I go out to eat, shopping, hang out at someone’s apartment, drink, find a party, etc.</p>

<p>4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?
I don’t do any school activities because I’m too busy taking care of my family.</p>

<p>5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?
Yes, I have a lot of free time on weekends. But I’m taking easy classes this term.</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?</p>

<p>I don’t know, I don’t count. But I am generally up from the times 7:30 AM - 2 AM</p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?</p>

<p>2 hours on my low days, 4 hours on my high.</p>

<p>3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?</p>

<p>Play basketball at the rec. Workout. Play videogames. Watch TV. Go to parties, etc.</p>

<p>4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?</p>

<p>A lot, since I’m in a club that does competitions so we have to practice a lot.</p>

<p>5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?</p>

<p>What’s this about studying on a weekend? Weekends are your time off to not think about school. For the most part, your exams will all be on Fridays, not Mondays. You might have to do a horu of homework in a class with homework on a Sunday night, but nothing more.</p>

<p>lol, parties are “school activities”?</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?
Generally I reach home (I’m a commuter) at four or five PM on weekdays, and go to bed by 10:30. I work from 6-7 on homework, so I still have plenty of free time.</p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?
Mondays, Wed, Fri - 4 hours, Thurs - 2 hours, Tues - 1 hour = 15 hours a week
3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?
Workout, shoot hoops at gym, hang out basically
4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?
I do lab work about 3 times a week, two hours each
5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?
I actually find the weekends a good time to get ahead on homework so I don’t have to spend three hours a night working during the week. But still, I have plenty of free time just to hang out.</p>

<p>1) Probably 8-10 hours if not more. I wake up early & go to bed really late. So, that means a lot of free time since I don’t have too much work daily. It just compounds on days before deadlines.
2) It kind of depends on the day. But, I’d say 4-6 on average. I have 20+ credits.
3) I relax with friends, maybe party, I listen to music, I eat and do nothing.
4) Whenever I’m not in class/chilling with friends. I’m actively part of two clubs and I work out…
5) You can. Normally I have friday & saturday to have fun. Then, sunday I try to do work. But, I still have free time because I procrastinate.</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?</p>

<p>4-5 hours during the weekdays, much more during the weekends</p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?</p>

<p>16 credits, that’s 5 classes, 5-6 hours on MWF, 2 on T and Thursday</p>

<p>3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?</p>

<p>Catch up on my TV shows, do hw.</p>

<p>4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?</p>

<p>Oh I thought free time implied time outside of activities. I spend about an hour to 4 hours a day on top of classes for extracurricular activities, including most saturdays.</p>

<p>5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?</p>

<p>I use my free time to study and work out, sometimes I’ll go out and eat with friends or something but usually it’s just a really relaxed day with intermittent studying and an hour of working out.</p>

<p>Great idea for a thread! :)</p>

<p>However, I should warn you in advance that I have <em>major</em> problems with procrastination. ^_^</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?</p>

<p>Technically, I really can only afford to spend maybe 2 or 3 hours a day for “free time”. However, I usually end up spending anywhere up to 7 hours a day doing non-academic activities, not including sleeping, eating, and “getting ready”.</p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?</p>

<p>On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have 2 hours of school a day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have 3 1/2 hours of school a day. I’ve also got an online class. Keep in mind that this is the lowest amount of classes I’ve ever had in college, save for summers (when I usually have 2-4 classes).</p>

<p>3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?</p>

<p>I generally:</p>

<li>read the news</li>
<li>watch Youtube videos (late night talk shows, comedy sketches, political “stuff”)</li>
<li>gather as much knowledge as I can just by reading all sorts of things (nutrition, international relations, martial arts, etc)</li>
<li>read forums, such as this, and occasionally post on them</li>
<li>all sorts of music stuff (I’ve cut down on this a lot lately; too busy)</li>
<li>I bike and walk to and from school, so I don’t really need to get much extra exercise</li>

<p>4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?</p>

<p>Well, I’m a founding member of my school’s Accounting Society (as well as its webmaster), so I usually attend a one-hour meeting each week.</p>

<p>5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?</p>

<p>I hardly ever study on the weekends. I ALWAYS end up regretting it, though. :)</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?
The average day? Almost all of them. I do work mostly before the deadline. So during finals, it may mean spending 2/3 of a day studying, and getting just a couple hours of sleep a night. Obviously there are times outside of midterms and finals when there is work to be done, but that is handled on a per assignment basis. And quite usually, since it is just papers, just a few hours tops if it is a particularly long research paper. </p>

<p>2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?
Well, this semester I am carrying 15 credits spread over four days. That means I have class on Monday through Thursday, with two 90 minute blocks on Tuesday and Thursday, and three such blocks on Monday and Wednesday. Next semester I’ve got class five days a week, but only 13 hours of class time. </p>

<p>3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?
Well, I guess school activities are a fair part of it. I’m involved in a few ECs where I hold high level positions that require alot of work outside of the regular group meetings. Otherwise, the usual. I go to parties every now and then, enjoy a fine cigar with friends, or take advantage of what the city has to offer.</p>

<p>4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?
Well, I have a couple of hours of meetings I’ve got to make time for every week, and additional time for executive actions. Usually I take a big role in event planning. So for some weeks, that means zero additional hours. Others it might mean 15 or 20 hours.</p>

<p>5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?
Absolutely. I have never once done work on any weekend day other than Sunday, and even then, I’ve generally managed to spend most of it enjoying myself. And I go to a good school with a reasonable workload (WashU). So I imagine you ought to have no problems in this regard.</p>

<p>What is this “free time” you speak of?</p>

<p>It’s fun time.</p>

<p>Depends on the day.</p>


<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)? 4-5 hours
2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)? none on these days
3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)? Sometimes I eat cheese (like I’m doing now), sometimes I drive to Starbucks and order an overpriced, overrated, too strong coffee, sometimes I go to the mall, sometimes I go to the movies, and on Sundays I clean my house for 5 hours.
4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?0 hours. My school is a hell hole and it has a negative number of social activities.
5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much? I don’t understand this question.</p>


<p>Sry, I’m too lazy to answer the rest of these… I’ll try tomorrow. Tired now. Sleeps.</p>

<p>GoldShadow there is such a thing as school hosted parties</p>

<p>Such as…?</p>

<p>1) monday-thursday, pretty much none. i have class during the day and work nights. free time is a rare gift.</p>

<p>2) monday/wednesday i have class 10-3:40, and tuesday/thursday from 12-3:40. i don’t have class on friday.</p>

<p>3) watch movies, hookah, get drunk at parties in brooklyn that i’m probably not cool enough to be attending, go to art show openings, wander through the city. new york offers a lot of opportunities for quality use of free time.</p>

<p>4) very little, my school doesn’t have much of a community feel</p>

<p>5) this depends on your courseload. i’m taking a very paper-based courseload so my weekends are mostly filled with reading. i generally do it all sunday night.</p>

<p>1) About how many hours a day do you have free time (not including time you use to study)?
2) About how many hours a day do you have classes (I know it varies but Im curious)?
3) What do you do on your free time (please be specific)?
4) How much of your free time do you spend participating in school activities (parties or not)?
5) Can you have free time on the weekends without studying much?</p>

<p>1) It depends on how long I study. But, generally 2 hours per day on weekdays, 10-12 hours in total on weekends.
2) MWF: 2 hours/day TT: 6/day
3) Simpsons, House, National Geographic, Discovery, History Channel, BBC News, Economist, National Post, this forum, other forums, Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2, Running, Warcraft, friends, Skype, MSN Messenger, girls, good food, gym, chores, laundry, music, clarinet,…
4) Not a lot. Maybe 30 minutes per day.
5) Yes. Don’t think- “just let your mind float downstream” - or something like that from Beatles.</p>