<p>I was just wondering what exactly constitutes an honor or award? Is it strictly academic or can it be anything? If the latter, does it have to be awards and whatnot that have to do with school only? I have a decent amount I could put for that I guess, but it would be mainly sports related, both in and outside of school. If it is strictly academic, I really wouldn't know what to put except maybe I got a chevron and letter a couple years and like 14 deans lists if that even counts?</p>
<p>And my second question is, I think this varies from school to school, but I took an SAT test back in sophomore year just for the heck of it and try it out. Since then I've taken it twice my junior year and gotten a relatively good score so I won't be taking it again cause any more than 3 and ill probably look obsessive, either that or a perfectionist but I highly doubt it. Now my question is, since none of my best scores are from that first test, do I have to put it on my application?</p>
<p>Much thanks in advance!</p>