Honors App Question

<p>Hi, so my deadline for applying to the honors program is the 22nd of this month. It says on the bottom of the app webpage that whatever info you enter into the app will automatically save. When I enter info in, however, it doesn't save. Is anyone else experiencing this or know how to fix it?</p>

<p>I experienced the same problem. But I saved all my essay questions as word files. Then when I completed all the questions, I just copied them into the right boxes and submitted my application.</p>

<p>I actually figured out what the problem was. I had to enable cookies on my computer, and then everything saved. Haha… I’m glad you got everything to work alright, too! Thanks for the reply! :)</p>


<p>I am having problems with this too! I enabled cookies on my Chrome and its not working. Then I switched to safari and enabled cookies and its not working there either! Its due tomorrow night so I am not sure what to do! Ahhhh. I am afraid that if I enter my essays and hit submit, then the page will just show up blank because every time I switch between tabs everything disappears. </p>

<p>Any techies out there? Unfortunately, I am absolutely terrible with tech</p>

<p>I figured it out! Sorry for these weird posts haha</p>

<p>just get confused sometimes…</p>

<p>So, what was the fix, Julia? My D submitting in the next day or so also.</p>

<p>hey there! I didn’t see your post until now. Instead of clicking on the tabs, you have to click on previous or next (beneath all of the text fields) in order to switch between the pages </p>