<p>My status for the general application just changed to "complete" today, but it said this under it:</p>
<p>"We have all the items we need to make your admission decision.</p>
<p>-As soon as your admission decision is made, we'll post it on this page and we'll notify you by mail.
-You must complete your Honors application to be considered for admission to Plan II."</p>
<p>Does the second bullet imply that my Honors application is incomplete? Sorry for being paranoid, I'm just confused because it says on the Honors tab that both of my applications for BHP and Plan II Honors are complete. </p>
<p>If anyone could clarify or give me their input that'd be great.</p>
<p>It’s not complete, because you haven’t written the essays for the honors applications. It’s under a separate tab where your application status is.</p>
<p>This answer by Indiranger is confusing. It is a fact that that under the"Honors" tab the application can be indicated as “complete.” Yet, still, under the general application status tab that Imazing is referring to, the status may show:</p>
<p>" As soon as your admission decision is made, it’ll be posted on this page and you’ll be notified by mail.
You must complete your Honors application to be considered for admission to Plan II."</p>
<p>. . . . suggesting that the honors application is somehow missing something. NOT TRUE!! Contrary to the Indiranger comment above, you can have this statement on your application tab concerning Plan II (“You must complete . . .”) and actually have already completed it (if you check under the Honors tab), so no more information is required.</p>
<p>Oh sorry, I just stupidly assumed you hadn’t done anything. It’s like 1am here, so i’m not at my brightest right now haha</p>
<p>Thanks guys.
I also kind of figured to disregard it since there was a big green “complete” on my dashboard tab for my honors applications. So happy! :D</p>