Honors College Tuition Support Scholarship

<p>Email from Honors College:</p>

<p>Tuition Support Scholarship Application Available</p>

<p>The 2014-2015 Honors College Tuition Support Scholarship Application is now available. Students must complete the application by Sunday, February 2nd in order to be eligible to receive a scholarship from the Honors College. Awards range from $500 to $2000 and only current Honors College students in good standing are eligible to receive a scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded for Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 on the basis of merit and/or need depending on eligibility criteria but may not be used in a term after graduation.</p>

<p>Is someone already on full tuition scholarship eligible to apply, to use the additional toward housing? </p>

<p>I don’t know. Technically the Presidential isn’t a tuition scholarship, so you could use the HC scholarship toward tuition, use the Presidential for the balance, and then use the remaining towards housing…if awarded.</p>

<p>Have you called the HC and asked? I dont’ know anyone that’s applied for this.</p>

<p>Let us know as I just sent a stern instruction to DD to apply. Need housing money…</p>

<p>Left them a message. Guess they’re all out for snowmageddon.</p>

<p>Is this only open to currently enrolled students or can incoming freshmen apply as well?</p>

<p>Anyone know anything about the “eligibility criteria”? Is financial need required?</p>

<p>“only current Honors College students in good standing are eligible to receive a scholarship”</p>

<p>Spoke to Allison at HC, who asked around and found that it is only valid for tuition. Those already with full tuition scholarships need not apply.</p>

<p>Ok, well, that makes NO sense whatsoever to me, Chardo. As Mom2K writes, the Pres is tech not a tuition scholarship, but ‘up to the value of tuition’ which can be used for any expenses on the student’s account. There are many other expenses that students need support for. I should think that the HC would welcome ALL applicants who need assistance, not just those who already receive a chunk of money. But, thanks for asking Allison…I’ll now go break the ‘good’ news to S (as in, ‘you don’t have to apply now’…because I’m certain he has not done so…since the deadline isn’t until tomorrow!).</p>

<p>I’m wondering if the HC is simply considering the Presidential (or similar) as tuition scholarships because (in their minds) those are big schollies and they want to award their small number of awards to students who don’t have those schollies. I don’t think they really care that the Presidential is technically not a tuition scholarship. I think their intent is to award to those who have done very well at Bama, but don’t have big merit (maybe a transfer student or other student).</p>

<p>If so, I can see their point. There are many top students at Bama and not all have big merit awards. One of my son’s roomies went to UAB for a semester and then transferred to Bama. He had an ACT 32, but got nothing for being a transfer. A student like that might be a good candidate for one of these awards. </p>

<p>Even with a Presidential, a student needs tuition money to cover summer studies abroad, etc.</p>

True, but the students who don’t have the Presidential have to cover their 4 years. I’m guessing that the HC is giving a priority to those situations. </p>

<p>There’s going to be some psychology to these awards…give to a very good student who already has tuition covered with Presidential, or give to a very good student who doesn’t. Who would you award to? </p>

<p>i personally don’t think they should give them to students who already have large (full tuition or more!) awards from the university. those students are top notch and should be eligible to apply for some outside scholarships if they wish to increase their awards.</p>

<p>i am sure there are other deserving students who might have just missed the cutoff for nice scholarships. if those students are proving themselves at UA, why not spread the wealth a little instead of giving even more to those who already have a fantastic scholarship.</p>

<p>my student has a great scholarship (not as great as some of your kids, though). last year she applied for and was awarded scholarships from her sorority. so, it is possible to increase your awards through means other than UA.</p>