Honors Day

<p>Home from Tuscaloosa and Honors Day. Attended a dinner at Dr. Helm’s home for the College of Business awards. It was so nice and we were looking so forward to the ceremony. Unfortunately, a storm got really close and we had to just eat fast and the students had to all go up at once and get their awards. The dinner was being held outside at his home. We met some wonderful families and got some great insight into the College of Business. We were told that under normal circumstances, Dr. Helm’s would do a great job telling stories about the outstanding students and presenting the awards. We sat at a table with a family whose daughter was receiving an award for outstanding student in finance. She is graduating this year from the master’s in 4 years program. She is attending UA school of Law in the fall for her JD while also completing her PhD in finance!! Unbelievable what you can do at this university. The possibilities are endless!!! Hopefully, we will get a chance to go again next year and actually hear Dr. Helms! ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Congrats to your child for getting an award. :)</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that rainy weather disrupted the outside event. :(</p>

<p>I’m glad that you enjoyed your honors day visit and and apologize for the windy weather that cut the dinner short. May your son continue to succeed at UA and get another award next year. :)</p>

<p>bamafana: Wish we had been able to attend, but our son had rehearsals for Friday’s Honors Day ceremonies for the various honor societies. So dinner was on the fly. Sorry we missed you.</p>

<p>Sea-tide and momreads, wish we could have met personally with you Friday! Just crazy weather. As soon as everyone left the ceremony, it actually cleared up. It cooled off, but the storm passed by. The wind was just crazy and the lightning was close…Nevertheless, we are still very proud of our DS! I’ll be asking you guys questions soon! DS has the GMAT this summer so that he will be in the masters program “officially”. Not sure what to expect from that…</p>