Honors program and housing queries URGENT

I’ve already posted it on another thread ‘ask a current student anything’ but not sure if the OP is still active so posting it once more.

I just saw on the tracker that I was accepted into the Honors Program. My question is that is it compulsory for honors admitted students to live in Middlebrook? Because as of now Frontier is my top choice followed by Centennial, 17th Avenue and then Middlebrook.

Also is it possible to do a double major ( in say psychology and economics) and honors?
Because i’d rather do a double major and drop honors than do only one of the above with honors. And saying that is it possible to drop honors even if i’ve been admitted into the program

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Honors students are not required to live in Middlebrook. Btw, I’ve read that freshmen have basically no chance of getting into 17th Avenue, but you’ll surely get one of the others if you’re not interested in Middlebrook.

I’m sure there’s no problem with having a double major while also doing honors (since honors is not a major). But email honors@umn.edu if you have questions. I contacted them once and they replied very quickly.

@Mtriplee Thank you so much