Honors Program in Undergraduate Research

<p>I just got word that I got into HPUR. </p>

<p>Just how big a deal is this? What will it allow me to do? </p>

<p>Also, I've been accepted to Caltech and MIT. Is this a big enough deal that I should consider doing NW and HPUR over these two schools?</p>

<p>It's pretty big, seeing as though it is a separate program that you have to apply for. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you were given the opportunity to publish as an undergraduate.</p>

<p>what about Murphy Institute Scholar?</p>

<p>(BTW, I also got into HPUR)</p>

<p>So, it's pretty big, but big enough to turn down MIT and Caltech? </p>

<p>Does anyone have any hard stats on this program? Acceptance rate? Publication? Any other info?</p>

<p>bump. please help.</p>

<p>Why don't you call them? </p>

<p>In my opinion, go with MIT.</p>


<p>You will get excellent chances to do extremely rewarding and personal research at MIT and Caltech. You will be working in the best labs with the most important people in the field. Northwestern simply cannot compete. Unless you really need someone to hold your hand through undergraduate research, don't pick HPUR. If you have any ambition to publish at all, go to the other schools, you will do much better work. </p>

<p>Although yeah you probably will have a slightly higher chance of publishing here. </p>

<p>Addendum: Just so you know, I do research in a lab, and they are always reciting researchers from MIT and I always get jealous and think "why aren't I an undergraduate doing research in THAT lab." Well of course the reason is because I didn't get into MIT, but unfortunately, that excuse won't work for you. So think about that.</p>

<p>it doesnt matter where you go. if you wanna do research, you will be doing it.</p>

<p>mit ftw</p>

<p>Cuca and Majman-when did you get to know about your acceptances??
When is the letter dated?</p>