Honors Program

My son was just admitted to UD’s honors program. Does anyone have any experience with the honors program that they would like to share? How are the honors professors? My son is interested in club sports. Does anyone have any experience balancing sports and the honors program?

Still waiting on the merit award. He is out of state.


My son is a freshman in the honors dorm right now. He is very happy with the honors program. Honors basically gets you a better schedule, best chances to get into the classes you need, and… most importantly… the best professors. The best teachers seem to be teaching the honors kids. The honors classes have been very manageable for him. He does not do sports, but plenty of the honors freshmen do.

We just did the tour at UD last weekend and the girl who did our biomedical engineering tour was an honors student so she told our daughter all about it. My daughter wants to skate on the Delaware team if she attends there and was worried about the balance. This girl had 2 friends in engineering, in the honors program, and also on the university soccer team and they balanced it just fine. Good luck with your decision. My daughter is still deciding between UD and UW Madison.

My daughter will be a Honors student in the fall. One of the great things they told us abt living under one roof, is that if the RA (they have another name I just can’t think of it) sees that a student has taken on too much they will help them with choices and decisions.

My D is going to be like the Brady Bunch episode where Marcia starts high school and signs up for every club!! We have been living this already for the past 4 years!