Honors program

Should I apply for the Kellogs honor program at Cal Poly? What is the difference of being in the honors program vs not being in it?

Here are the benefits of being part of the Honors college:

  1. Belonging to a community of highly motivated students
  2. Individualized mentoring and advising
  3. Specific research opportunities from professors seeking Honors students
  4. Honors classes capped at 20 students max
  5. Singular access to professors teaching in Honors
  6. Special scholarly, cultural and social events
  7. Civic engagement opportunities
  8. Substantial scholarship awards available for top Honors students
  9. Grant support for presenting at or attending professional conferences
  10. Funds for academic and cultural enrichment
  11. Assistance for study abroad
  12. Honors citation on Diploma
  13. The “Honors Commons” available for study, socializing and relaxing
    Computers, printer, refrigerator, microwave in the Honors Commons
  14. Honors floor in residence hall
  15. Priority registration
  16. Special academic and career opportunities
  17. Graduate school recruiter visits
  18. Mentoring for national fellowships
  19. Internship opportunities

Seconding all of the above. If you can qualify, do apply. (a worst, if you don’t like it, you can quit after a year. But you’ll still have benefited from all the advantages for your first year.)
Priority registration is HUGE.