
<p>I got accepted to UM College of Engineering last week :) I read a post somewhere (can't find it now) about honors courses.. What are we supposed to do to be considered for it? Is there something seperate we have to do or is it too late?</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptance. Michigan Engineering is wicked-good! However, Engineering does not have an honors college. That applies primarily to the college of LSA.</p>

<p>I was recently accepted to LSA. Does anyone know how to be considered for honors/when we’ll hear from honors?</p>

<p>Caddy- I heard you get another letter inviting u to join after your acceptance or something…</p>

<p>Just wondering, what is the difference between a comp sci course in LSA and a comp sci course in Engineering? Is it level of difficulty or…?</p>